Chapter 8

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Since I was stuck on the ship while Luffy, Nami, and Curly Brow went to investigate the ghost ship I decided to look for Kaz. He was here earlier when those three were complaining about going to investigate the ghost ship. Ever since Lovely Island we've been getting closer and we hung out a lot more so I thought we could do something while they investigated the ship. I check the kitchen, then the crow's nest, his spot, and then I checked the Library where I found him fast asleep. I dig out a blanket and lightly place it over him. Man, he looks so cute and relaxed when he's sleeping. I find myself leaning closer towards Kaz and I find myself staring at his lips. I could totally ...I lick my lips and take another look at Kaz's lips. Wait where was that thought going? I shouldn't be thinking things like this. I shake my head and I hear the sound of those three returning. I take one last look at Kaz trying to decide whether to wake him or to let him sleep. I decide to let him sleep since for one he looks so peaceful and I head towards the door. I look back and think why not. I head back over to Kaz and give him a quick peck on the lips before heading out to see what those three found with my cheeks burning bright red. I can't believe I just did that and to another guy no less.



Screams resonated throughout the air and I slowly wake while up rubbing my eyes. A blanket covered my shoulders and I had no idea how it got there. I neatly fold it and place the blanket on the table. A yawn forces its way out and I walk towards the kitchen in hope of grabbing some food.

"A ghost." I hear Usopp, Chopper, and another voice scream. I open the door and walk over to the kitchen. I make another Hot chocolate and stare at the group in front of me. There seemed to be something different than usual.

"Who are you skeleton dude?" I ask sipping my Hot chocolate not even fazed by his appearance and even though I already know the answer I don't want them asking me about it anymore so I asked Brook directly.

"Name's Brook nice to meet you," he says casually sipping some tea and bowing. I give him a small bow in return before taking another sip of my hot chocolate.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kaz and can you explain what that mouth gate thing is outside?" I ask him and as soon as I say mouth gate thing he pales, if that's even possible.

"Don't tell me this ship was under surveillance from the beginning." Brook rushes out of the kitchen and onto the deck. Everyone follows him and I place my mug into the sink before following suit. Brook warns us about the island behind us calling it Thriller Bark and tells us that we should try to escape. I look at Luffy and already know that Brook just wasted his breathe warning us. Luffy was already in adventure mode and no matter what we were going to end up going to that island. Brook jumps off the ship and starts running across the water towards Thriller Bark.

Nami, Usopp, Chopper, and I had decided to stay on the ship while the others went on their little adventure. Those three were staying because they were scared shitless while I was staying since it was that time of the month and I was in a real pissy and tired mood. If I had to handle Luffy while he went on an adventure at the moment I'd probably kill him and that'd probably happen within the first five minutes. Franky decided that this was the best time to show us something so he pulled out his newest invention: The Mini Merry II. Nami, Usopp, and Chopper dragged me onto it to try it out with them even though I was fighting the whole way. I was now stuck on a small boat with three idiots who wouldn't shut up.

"Why couldn't you have just left me behind so I could sleep?" I ask those three and they just looked at me.

"You sleep too much, you and Zoro both. You know if you were a girl you two would make a perfect couple." Usopp points out which earned him an enormous smack in the head and his head was also held underwater for a good couple of minutes while Chopper tried everything to get me to let him go.

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