Chapter 29

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"Camie, what happened to you? I thought you were with Luffy and the others." I ask her and I see her jump when I speak.

"You know this mermaid Kaz?" Rayleigh looks at me curiously and when he says my name I see Camie perk up.

"Kaz-chin, is that really you?" She asks looking at me.

"Yeah it's me and to answer your question Rayleigh she's a friend of Hachi's." I let out a little chuckle.

"So you're a friend of Hachi's, nice to meet you. How's Hachi doing?" Rayleigh asks Camie and those two start chatting away like old friends. Geez they're noisy, I look around and this time I take in the little details. The cuffs on my hands and feet are made of regular iron, easy for me to break out of. I hear more noises from the other side of the door and a couple of seconds later some men come in.

"Get ready merchandise, in a little bit you'll all be sold off. Numbers 1 through 10 come with me." The head man says and the group of guys with him pulls ten guys out of the cell. It keeps going on like that until it was Camie's turn. "Mermaid you're up." The guy says.

"I'm not letting you take her," I maneuver myself so I'm in front of her and the man looks at me in disgust. One man tries to grab Camie from behind me but I punch him in the face. "I told you I'm not letting you take her bastards."

"Hey sir, we could do a two for one deal." One of the men behind him says and the main man gains a thinking face.

"I like it, grab them and get them ready." He says before turning his back. The rest of the men surround me and Camie. They grab us and drag us towards the stage. They shoved Camie into a fish bowl and they chained me to the outside of the bowl. Before they chained me to the bowl they had changed me into a more revelling outfit but luckily my wound's still covered.

"Ladies and Gentlemen it's time for our special item; a two for one deal containing a pretty sexy lady and what everyone has been looking for. If you don't trust me then just see for yourself." I hear the main man say from in front of the curtain they had placed in front of us and suddenly the fabric is pulled away. I hear a huge wave of woah's and oh my god's when suddenly Camie points out the others to me. Luffy and Zoro are missing but everyone else is there. They look so ready and pumped up; Sanji looks ready to die though from the sight of my outfit. I'm so glad he doesn't know it's me or else I would die from the embarrassment.

"Nami we have to get them," I hear Sanji swoon and if my hands weren't chained I probably would've strangled him.

"I bet five hundred million," I look over and see the Tenryuubito from before betting on us; great, just fucking great. If I'm going to end as that guy's I'm busting out of here and killing him. I don't care if it brings down an admiral or raises my bounty even more.

"Excuse me sir but am I allowed to bet as well." I ask the auctioneer and everyone looks at me shocked.

"Um I'm not certain give me a second." The guy pulls out a handbook and he starts flipping through it. He stops at a page and rereads it a couple of times. "It says here that someone up for sale can't bet even if they offer double the amount betted."

"What if I quadruple it?" I ask and the whole hall falls silent.

"Maybe I'd allow it if you ten folded it." He says in a joking matter and the whole hall is filled with laughter.

"So if I pay, I don't know, five hundred billion you'd sell the mermaid and myself to me?" I ask and the hall falls silent again.

"FIVE HUNDRED BILLION?! THAT'S EVEN MORE THAN A DEVIL FRUIT USER HAS GONE FOR!" The whole hall yells and I just stare at them.

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