Chapter 51

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"Why's Kaz so tired?" Nami asks and I grab her a pillow before gently placing it underneath her head.

"It takes a lot out of her." I say and the others look at me confused until Chopper speaks.

"So Kaz was the reason behind the weird weather behaviour?" Chopper says and I nod.

"Yeah but I can't explain it as well as Kaz does or even in a sensible way." I say.

"So Kaz was the one who was using the last of her energy to keep us safe?" Franky asks and I nod.

"Yeah... Now that I think about it she's saved our asses lots of times and we've just caused her trouble." I say thinking back to the times she's saved us even if we haven't really noticed it. The only reason I've realized some of them is because I saw something that only Kaz could help with or do. I sit down on the crate near her head since there was extra space and I place my hat on her head. "You've been through so much yet you still risk your life to save others." I mummer so nobody can hear it.

"What do you mean she's been through so much?" Chopper asks and I look at him.

"So you heard me?" I ask and he nods. "Kaz had a bad childhood and she's going through many more things that she doesn't share. Even I don't know about a lot of her problems. I understand that she doesn't want to share some of them since it would change how some people looked at her and it'd put her in more danger than she wants as well as those around her." I say and I notice Tashigi, Smoker, and Law had joined the group.

"I can understand that." Tashigi says and I nod.

"Yeah but even if it's for a short while it's nice to see her smiling again." I say.

"She's actually completely different from what I first thought." Tashigi says and I nod.

"They portray her as some ruthless killer when in fact she doesn't like to kill unless she absolutely has to." I say looking down at Kaz as she shifts onto her side. "She's actually a softy on the inside. When we lost our other brother, not Ace, we were all sad but Kaz was the worst. She tried not to show her tears around us but we knew. She was hurting twice as bad as we were since this wasn't the first time she's lost family. She tries to put up a tough front when in fact her heart has been shattered and she's trying to put the pieces back together."

"Then Fire Fist died which caused her heart to shatter again didn't it?" Tashigi says and I nod.

"Yeah but she put up a strong front this time to help me pass it even though she was killing herself inside because she couldn't save him. I really wish the world would stop stealing her family from her. She doesn't deserve all this misfortune." I say picking up my hat and placing it on my head again before patting her head. I notice her starting to twitch and I lightly smack her cheek. Kaz slowly opens her eyes with her body rigid and when she sees us she relaxes.

"Thanks Luffy." Kaz says as she sits up and she's about to say something else when her stomach suddenly rumbles.



"Sanji I'm hungry." I say looking over at Sanji and he nods.

"Okay I'll make some food and I'll make enough for everyone." Sanji says walking off to the Sunny.

"Call me when it's ready." I say before jumping away and I realize something. I quickly jump back and snatch the black notebook out of Robin's hand since she had just picked it up. "Sorry but I can't let you read this. It has some stuff in it that should not be known." I say before jumping away again. I jump to the tip of the mountain that hadn't been destroyed and I sit there staring out into the horizon which is in the opposite direction of the Red Line. I have a feeling that we're gonna be having tons more adventures ahead of us and I also have the feeling that we'll be stopping by their soon; stopping by home.

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