Chapter 13

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"How are you awake?" He practically screams at me. The guy then quickly explains what happened and I look around looking for the others. I spot Luffy fighting Oars and I can tell that Oars' almost done for; one more hit and it's over.

"Excuse me I've got some matters to handle." I say and before the guy can stop me I sprint away. I know that those guys will be able to handle this matter and I have to find Kuma before something even worse happens. I use my curse and focus on finding Kuma. I sense him inside the mansion so I head in that direction. I weave through the halls focused on finding Kuma when I run into Zoro and Sanji's zombies fighting.

"Damn it I don't have time for this." I scream which attracts the zombies attention and they turn towards me. They charge at me and I block Zoro's zombie's swords with my daggers but Sanji's zombie smashes a kick into my back causing my block to falter and Zoro's zombie stabs me in the chest. I cough up some blood and before they can do anything else I see they're shadows escape from their mouths. Moria must be summoning all the shadows since I can still sense that he's conscious. I pull the sword out of my stomach and quickly return to my search of finding Kuma.

He's on the move that isn't good. I speed up and follow him. I keep my senses on him and realize where he's heading. This isn't good at all, he's heading towards the others and at a fast pace. I look around and realize that I'm on the completely other side of the mansion. He's going to get there first and in the condition that they're in he'll easily be able to take them down. A huge explosion sounds and rubble comes flying at me. I weave through the rubble and one piece smashes me in the stomach where I was stabbed earlier.

I ignore the stabbing pain that recoils through my body and keep running forward. Little pieces of rubble keep smashing into me and they leave behind many scratches and cuts but I ignore them. I can't let him do it; I can't let him kill them, I think as I run faster. When I reach the clearing I see everyone knocked out except for Zoro, Sanji, and Kuma. Zoro and Sanji are standing in front of Kuma. Those idiots are probably gonna do something stupid.

"KUMA!" I scream at the top of my lungs and those three turn to look at me. I see their eyes widen in surprises and I feel my blood start to boil with anger. "I know what you're thinking and I'm not about to let you do that." I say while slowly walking forward and with each step my anger just seems to grow. The ground around me starts to shatter and an aura deadlier than anything anyone's ever seen surrounds me.

"Well I'll say I'm surprised. I didn't even think you were still alive after that incident; anyone else would've died from the beating and injures you received." Kuma says and I'm now standing between two shocked idiots. I take a couple more steps and place myself in between the three.

"I'll make you a deal Kuma." I say and Kuma looks at me curiously. "I know you're here for his head." I say pointing at Luffy and Kuma nods.

"Like we said we're not going to let you do that." Sanji and Zoro say at the same time.

"Shut up you two." I say growling at them and they instantly shut up. "I'll trade myself for every single person's life on this island." I fold my arms and glare at Kuma. Kuma, Sanji, and Zoro stare at me in shock at what I just said.

"What the hell are you doing? I'm not going to let you do it and what makes you think he'll even take your offer?" Zoro says shaking my shoulders. I glare at Zoro before softening my gaze.

"This is something I have to do and you can't stop me. Also Kuma will take the offer up; it's too good to pass on." I say while removing Zoro's hands from my shoulders.

"You're correct and I'll take you up on it. I swear I won't touch anyone on this island and now if you'll please follow me." Kuma says turning around and I go to follow him but Zoro grabs my arm to stop me. I vacate my eyes of all emotions and look back at Zoro.

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