Chapter 39

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"You've been through so much in your life span." Perona says hugging me and soon enough the other two join in.

"Quit hugging me you idiots." I say but they don't let me go and eventually I get fed up enough that I just jump to a different spot in the room. I spot the other three fall over since they had been leaning on me and I plop down in the arm chair Zoro had originally been sitting in.

"Why'd you move?" Mihawk asks rubbing his nose as he gets up.

"I told you guys to stop hugging me and you wouldn't so I got out of the hug my own way." I say shrugging. "Anyway since you're making me stay here I'm assuming that you have a room ready for me to use and I would like to go there." I say crossing my arms and Mihawk nods.

"Yeah follow me; Zoro you come too. I'll show you to your room as well." Mihawk says and I grab the back of Zoro's shirt when I notice him starting to walk in the wrong direction.

"Wrong way idiot." I say as I pull him along.

"Hey let go of me. I can walk on my own just fine." Zoro says and I keep pulling him.

"I doubt that." I say; "It's either I continue dragging you or you have to hold my hand so choose." I say stopping in the hallway and I see Mihawk stop just ahead of us. I let go of Zoro's shirt and turn to face him. Zoro turns his head away and I see a slight tinge of red cover his cheeks before he holds out his hand.

"I'd rather go with the hand holding then being dragged by the back of my shirt." He says and I grab his hand before continuing to walk. I feel my cheeks heat up but I ignore it and walk a little bit ahead of Zoro so he can't see the blush. I see a smile make its way onto Mihawk's face and I raise an eyebrow at him but he ignores it before he starts walking away. A couple seconds later he stops in front of a wooden door.

"This one right here is your room Kaz and the one right next door is Zoro's." Mihawk says and I look over at Zoro.

"Do I have to walk you to your room?" I ask and Zoro shakes his head.

"No I'm good. It's just a couple feet away; I don't have that bad sense of direction." Zoro says and he lets my hand go. I feel a bit sad at the loss of warmth but I'm not going to admit it out loud. I stay in the hall for a bit to make sure Zoro reaches his room and once he enters his room I enter mine. The room has a king sized bed with a dome over top of it, a desk, a couch, an armchair, a nightstand, an end table, a desk chair, and a couple of bookshelves. I close the door behind me and change into a pair of pj's. I slide under the covers of the bed and drift off into a calm sleep.



I close the door behind me gently and lean my back against it as I stare at my hand. I was holding Kaz's hand I think remembering how it fit perfectly with mine. I slide down the door so I'm sitting on the floor with my back resting against the door. I think back to everything I learnt about Kaz today. It was a real shocker to discover that Kaz was actually a girl and the Grim Reaper as well. Man it's gonna be weird thinking of him as a her. I knew her mother had died but I never knew it was that way and she's also been through a lot. I have a feeling that isn't everything either; I think back to what Luffy said back at Shakki's Rip off Bar. Luffy mentioned something about them destroying Kaz's life in so many ways and experimenting on her. I know the them are marines and the World Government since Luffy stated it. I have a feeling there's more to those two years with the marines and I can also tell that it's something horrible Kaz wishes to avoid speaking about.

I want to learn everything about her but I won't pry. I'll wait 'til she's ready to tell me herself. Wait Kaz mentioned that she was caught in the auction house and sold to a fat Tenryuubito. If I remember correctly back at the auction house the girl with red hair and almost nothing on was called the Grim Reaper by Trafalgar Law. That means that was Kaz I think and I feel my cheeks heat up instantly. I also feel something leak out of my nose and I tap it with my finger. When I pull my hand away I spot blood on my finger and I quickly plug my nose before the nose bleed could get worst. The outfit they had fitted Kaz with back at the auction house was basically a bando that was a little too tight for Kaz and a thin skirt that had a huge slit up the side of it. Two ribbons crossed in the middle of her stomach that was attached to the bando and skirt making it a one piece.

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