Chapter 2

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Why is this ship so big? I wondered while trying to figure out where I was. When I find that guy he's getting a beating since he's the reason I'm out here in the first place. After we had just finished supper Chopper went to check on our 'guest' and a couple seconds later we hear him scream. I rushed on deck along with the others to find Chopper running in circles screaming 'He's Gone' over and over again. He quickly told us that when he went to check on the guy he was gone so we split up looking for him since we knew he had to be on the ship. I open a door close to me and find myself in the aquarium bar. I do a quick glance around and not spotting the guy I closed the door while letting out a sigh.

Suddenly I feel that something's wrong and I instantly reach for my swords. My hand closes around air and I try a couple more times before finally looking down to see my swords aren't there. Instead of my swords I see a piece of paper that says I'll be borrowing these for a second and I look around for any clue on who took my swords. I can sense Kintetsu the third and turning in that direction I head off. I end back on the main deck and I can sense that Kintetsu is near.

"Hey Moss Head where's my cigarettes and lighter?" I hear Sanji yell behind me and I turn around glaring at him.

"Oh yeah and where're my swords?" I growl back and we butt heads. We were just about to start fighting when we heard Luffy laughing. I turn to look at Luffy to find him busting a gut while laughing even though his precious hat is missing. That's it Luffy has officially lost it, he's snapped.

"Luffy you know your straw hat's missing, don't you?" Usopp cautiously asks.

"Yeah I know," he knows and he's not freaking out, what the hell? "Can we get our stuff back now?" Luffy yells out and I look around for a clue at who's he yelling at. I don't see anybody but I see a small movement coming from above the crow's nest.

"Hey Robin, can you check if someone's on top of the crow's nest?" I ask her. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes. After a couple of seconds she tells me what I was thinking.

"The guy who's injured is up there and he has our stuff. He wrote 'give me a second' on his hand. Give him a second for what?" Robin and I turn to look at the crow's nest. "How did he get up there even? Chopper said he was severely injured and that he probably wouldn't be up for a couple days. He said that he wouldn't be able to move for a day or two after that as well and yet he's on top of the crow's nest."

"He must be tough then," I say with a smirk slipping its way onto my face. If he's strong then that means he could give me a worthy fight. First I need my swords back and I'm curious about the give me a second.



I hear Luffy yell asking for their stuff back and I peek over the side again. Zoro's looking around and I pull back out of his sight as his eyes skim over the crow's nest but I can sense that he spotted me. To prove my suspicion correct a hand appeared with an eyeball in the palm of it. I quickly scribble something on my hand and hold it out so the eye can read it. I closed my eyes and concentrated. When I reopened them everything that was in front of me before was gone now on the deck, located on the main deck. I lean over the edge and almost burst out laughing at the expressions the crew now had on their faces since their stuff just appeared in the middle of the deck. Everyone seems happy that there stuffs back where it belongs. Robin looks over to where I'm leaning over the edge and she nods her head slightly. I give her a nod back and everyone disperses again. I assume most of them are to put their stuff away and suddenly I notice movement from the corner of my eye.

I look towards the movement and see Luffy and Zoro talking. Zoro suddenly points this way and Luffy turns to look at the crow's nest. Luffy spots me and gives me a huge smile. Luffy stretches his arm out and grabs part of the crow's nest right beside me. I see Zoro go to walk away but Luffy grabs him and slingshots both of them up. I quickly move outta the way before Luffy can crash into me and I let out a little laugh when Luffy skids along the roof on his face.

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