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Y/n-ssi ended up staying at Professor Kim's home. It had been about two weeks now.

Even after what happened, the relationship with them was still stale. Neither of them spoke much, and if they did, it was all short and monotoned.

- Y/N POV -

"How does it feel to live with that stone cold Slytherin?" My best friend asked as he walked me home.

"She's actually not that bad," I chuckled.

"Yeah, right!" He laughed out.

"By the way, I'm hella pissed that you said yes to living with her but not with me!" He began to whine.

"Well, yeah, she doesn't have to sneak me around her parents to let me in the house!" I laughed.

"Whatever, I still find it weird that a professor is housing their student. She's not like trying to seduce you or something, right?" My best friend asked with his brows furrowed.

I choked on my saliva a bit, but quickly got a hold of myself.

"Nah, she barely even talks to me!" I awkwardly laughed.

It was true, though. Professor Kim didn't really talk to me much... and after that kiss my first night... she never did it again.

I couldn't tell what her intentions were, but it didn't seem to be for a bad reason.

"Anyway, thanks for walking me home. I can't wait to start working with you!" I told my best friend, as I hugged him goodbye in front of Professor Kim's home.

Suddenly, the front door opened, and an angry looking Gyosunim stared at us with her arms crossed.

"Dinner's ready, get inside," She sternly ordered.

"Hi Professor, my name is-"

My best friend was about to introduce himself when Gyosunim suddenly pulled me by the arm to drag me in the house. "Nice to meet you," She quickly said before slamming the door in his face.

"What's the matter with you?!" I yelled in frustration.

"That's my best friend. You couldn't have let him introduce himself?!" I continued on.

"Best friend?" Professor Kim coldly asked.

"I promised to be the person to always be there for you and love you unconditionally. If you already have a person like that, then get out," She coldly spoke.

"Wtf!" I thought to myself.

"Fine!" I yelled in frustration, then walked over  to my bedroom to pack all my things.

"Stupid! Who tf does she think she is?! This is why I don't take any help. Fucking idiot. Why would you think she was different!?" I kept on cursing between my teeth.

"I am different," I suddenly heard The Professor say.

I turned towards the door and found Professor Kim leaning up against the door frame.

"I'm sorry I snapped. It's just that I got home and you were nowhere to be found. I've been waiting for you at the dinner table for over an hour and suddenly you just show up with your boyfriend without an explanation," Gyosunim tried to explain herself.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I yelled in frustration.

"He's not?" Professor Kim softly asked.

"No, I'm gay! And even if he was... it's none of your business!" I yelled in anger as I continued to pack my things.

 Dream Professor | Kim Minji x Reader Where stories live. Discover now