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Minji was left in thought after Dani and Haerin put her in her place.

It seemed like Minji had been so worried about what was going on with Y/n and what she needed.... that Minji forgot what relationships were really like...

- Minji POV -


I was a bit nervous about FaceTiming Y/n at such late hours of the night...

I guess for her it was morning.


"Urgh," Y/n groggily picked up.

"Hi, baby!" I couldn't help but smile at the sound of her voice.

"Hi," Y/n sounded a bit annoyed.

"Did you-"

"Yes, I got your money transfer," Y/n didn't even let me finish my sentence.

"That's not what I was going to say," I sighed out.

"Huh?" Y/n sounded confused, and suddenly pulled the phone closer to her face.

"What's wrong, baby?" Y/n's tone suddenly got really soft.

For some reason, her demeanor made tears form in my eyes.

"Nothing," I felt a bit chocked up.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Y/n sounded so concerned.

"I'm okay," I sniffled.

"Don't...," Y/n sniffled too.

"Umm... I think I've been a bad girlfriend...," I mumbled.

- Y/N POV -

Minji's words were confusing me.

"What? You're a great girlfriend," I tried to ease Minji's mind.

It was a bit odd that Minji was calling me, but it was even weirder that it was a FaceTime call in the middle of the night.

"What's the matter, baby?" I was really worried that Minji needed someone with her but I couldn't be there.

"Are you hurt?" I tried to ask.

"No," Minji's voice cracked.

"I- I- I've been so worried about you... that I've forgotten to let you worry about me...," Minji started to cry.

As scared as her words made me....,

I was very relieved.

Ever since the last time we saw each other, I kept thinking about how Minji didn't need me as much as I needed her.

I was worried that Minji saw herself as a provider rather than....

Well anything that would make me of value to her.

"I was starting to think that I was too low class to even hear about your problems," I tried to tease... with tears attempting to leave my eyes...

Minji chuckled bitterly and shook her head.

It was dark in her room...

Well, it looked more like she was laying on the sofa in her office.

"You're not," Minji sniffled.

"You haven't gone home?" I asked.

Minji just shook her head.

"Why not?" I took a deep breath.

"You asked me to move back....," Minji suddenly stopped mid sentence.

"And?" I was a bit confused.

"I- You- I- I- Never mind," Minji was just mumbling.

"Baby, just tell me!" I begged.

"You asked me to move back... but the reason I moved... was because of privacy reasons. It's also why I had Dani and Haerin drop you off at the airport. It's the reason I've been so distant from you. I hate it so much but I'm just trying to protect you. You're too precious to me," Minji was crying.

I was trying to pull my lip out of a pout, but the tears started rolling down without notice.

"You're so cute!" My voice cracked as I tried to stop crying.

"I don't want you to think I'm neglecting you or just doing things without having you in mind. I know I've taken the role of taking care of you but-"

"Baby, you don't ever have to feel guilty about your actions," I quickly interjected before Minji started to apologize for something she should never had to apologize for.

"Just please, tell me things. Tell me about the thought process behind your decisions. I don't want to keep having these misunderstandings and tense emotions between us.

You don't have to keep making decisions for the both of us.

We're a team," I set the record straight.

Before, I would've been too scared to say what I had said... Minji sort of seemed to have control over everything, but now...

She had let her guard down and let me in.

Now, I didn't feel like a child under her control.

We were a team.

"Hey, Y/n?" Minji suddenly mumbled. 

"Mhm?" I asked.

"Stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep?" Minji's voice sounded less audible by the second.

"Of course, Princess."







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