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Minji had forgotten that Y/n still had her apartment for when she wanted space. So, in order to not let Y/n leave the house....

She let Haerin and Sakura stay for a weird girls night.

- Minji POV -

"Still mad?" Y/n softly asked as she walked into my room with more water.

I had been hiding out in my room for the past two hours.

After two hours of hearing Haerin cry to Sakura about her life, I was kind of hoping Y/n would change her mind about kicking them out.

"Can they leave now?" I breathed out deeply.

"No, they're drunk. If you want food, we ordered some," Y/n tried to give me her pleading eyes.

I exhaled out a bit annoyed, but I was hungry.

I was also past my being mad phase.

It seemed like Y/n was kind of right about giving the girls a safe place to let their emotions out. For the last 2 hours, I just heard crying, laughing, and screaming at times.

"Well, I am hungies...," I pouted.

Y/n had raised her voice at me and put her foot down, so she was in charge of my well being now.

Y/n cutely sighed and ran her fingers through my hair. "Come on, I ordered your favorite and mines. So, let's go wash our hands," she told me.

I bit my lip a little and giggled, before taking Y/n's hand so we could go get ready to eat.

"Minji!!" Haerin drunkly yelled as I walked out my room.

I hid behind Y/n a bit embarrassed of my actions from earlier.

"Your house is so nice! It must be hard to clean up after Y/n!" She said a little too loudly.

"Actually, Y/n's room is the only place that gets messy," I mumbled from behind Y/n.

"Hey!" Y/n looked offended.

I scrunched up my nose to tease her and walked over to wash my hands in the kitchen sink.

Y/n followed after a bit of teasing from Sakura.

"Hey, I wasn't that bad with you!" Y/n told Sakura.

I still didn't know how to feel about them acting so close, but I was doing my best to handle the situation.

"What are we eating anyway?" I tried to change the subject.

"Breakfast for dinner!" Y/n kissed my cheek.

"Yuuumm, yummm!!" I squealed out in excitement.

"You're such a child!" Haerin groaned out.

"So is Y/n. It's okay!" Sakura giggled out.

Haerin and I suddenly went quiet because of her comment.

The atmosphere got a little uncomfortable for a second.

Until, I saw that Y/n ordered pancakes.

"Yuuuummmm!" I screeched out.

"God, she sounds like a pterodactyl!" Sakura started to tease.

"I know right! So cute," Y/n cooed at me.

We all just tilted our heads, wondering what the hell was so cute about it.

"You two are so weird," Haerin giggled out.

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