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Haerin had waltzed into Minji's place unannounced. Minji had yet to see her emails, so she had no idea how Haerin even got her address.

Meanwhile, Y/n was in her room trying to hide.

The last thing they needed was to be caught together outside of school by university faculty.

- Minji POV -

I was extremely uncomfortable with the fact that The Dean had placed Haerin under my supervision. I was even more upset that he had shared my address with her.

Now, I was looking for a way to get her out of my house.

"So, you must be paid very well to have such a luxurious place," Haerin stated as she walked around my place.

"Haerin, I have a guest. If you need something, email me. I don't appreciate you showing up at my house," I crossed my arms at her.

Haerin smirked at me before continuing to ignore me.

I was getting extremely nervous that she'd start opening doors or somehow find Y/n in my house.

"You have a guest, huh? I don't see them," Haerin kept at it.

Suddenly, she stepped up close to my face and I immediately took a step back.

The last thing I needed was having to explain to Y/n that my ex showed up to my house unannounced and kissed me. On top of that, she'd had to see her in the remaining lecture halls for the semester.

"What? Scared you'll fall for me again?" Haerin stepped up again.

- Y/N POV -

My blood was boiling.

At first, I was trying to keep calm... but the more time went by... the more jealous I got.

It had gone quiet for a few minutes and I finally lost it.

"Fuck this!" I whispered to myself and grabbed my things.

I sneaked my way to the guest bathroom and quickly flushed the toilet. I then washed my hands and pretended to have just walked out the bathroom.

Luckily for me, neither Minji nor Haerin-ssi had noticed what I did. Unlucky for me, Haerin looked like she was about to kiss Minji.


I cleared my throat to interrupt whatever was going on and Haerin quickly backed away from The Professor.

"Thanks for letting me use your restroom, Professor. I guess I'll just come back for my tutoring session another time," I tried to save face.

Minji looked at me a bit concerned, while Haerin avoided eye contact.

"No, Y/n it's okay. Just go set yourself up and I'll come revise your work soon," The Professor told me.

"Professor Kang here was just about leave. Weren't you, Professor?" Minji stared Haerin down.

Haerin gave me an awkward smile and suddenly extended her hand.

"I'm Professor Kang Haerin. I'll be supervised by Minji... I mean.. Professor Kim.. until the end of the year. I'm just here to talk to her about how she runs her lectures," Professor Kang tried to explain herself.

"And you must be?" She looked down at her hand for me to shake.

"The student you've been interrupting tutoring sessions for all day," I coldly answered as I shook her hand harshly.

"Right. Sorry, I wasn't aware...," Professor Kang acted a bit clueless.

"Like I said, I have a guest," Minji stepped up to face her.

My heart suddenly fluttered when she said that.

It seemed like The Professor had been trying to kick Haerin out since she got here.

"Well, if you're getting tutored, maybe I should help. I'll be in the psychology department and I'm well versed in other subjects as well," Haerin kept on trying to cockblock.

I bit the inside of my cheek and gave her a death glare.

"I don't know you very well. I barely trust Professor Kim as it is. I don't need another person here to add to the stress," I started to get annoyed.

"Oh, you have trust issues?" Kang Haerin-ssi suddenly asked.

I could see in here eyes that she had ill intentions.

"You know what, thanks Professor Kim. I'll figure the rest out on my own. See you at school," I said to Minji before walking out of her apartment.

- Haerin POV -

"Y/n, wait!" Minji screamed after her student.

"Y/N!!" She yelled out the door.

It was a bit of an odd sight to see within a student-teacher relationship, but it was clear that the Y/n kid was unstable.

"Wow, I struck a never," I joked when Minji came back inside.

"What's the matter with you?! That kid is one of my best writers and needs extra support right now. What's the fucking point of you being a psych professor if you can't even read the fucking room?" Minji began to yell at me.

"Well, this is new," I thought to myself.

Minji wasn't much of a screamer before. I guess that's something that had changed.

"Well the kid was cockblocking. Plus, it was her decision to leave. I offered to help," I tried to defend myself.

"No! You're the one cockblocking!" Minji suddenly got up in my face.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Wait, do you have like the hots for your student or something?" I asked a bit curious.

Minji ran her fingers through her hair and breathed in deeply. "Get out," she coldly ordered.... pointing at the door.

"Guesss not?" I thought out loud.

"Out!" Minji yelled.








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