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Y/n was upset that Minji still could get through her head that she didn't need someone to save her. Although, that's what Minji loved doing the most.

Seeing Y/n prosper, grow, and smile was her favorite thing in the world.

She had taken that duty upon herself and she never really saw anything wrong with it.

Up until Y/n would put her in her place for taking things too far.

- Minji POV -

I had messed up again.

When it came to making Y/n happy, it was always a bit of a struggle.

What made most people happy wasn't what made Y/n happy. It was almost impossible to ever make any of her dreams come true.... because I never really knew what her dreams really were...

Since the beginning, we've had this issue of what I think dreams are vs what her dreams are.

"Professor Kim, I heard the SamSam head is on campus. Is that true?" A student suddenly asked me as I walked onto campus.

"SamSam?" I furrowed my brows a bit confused.

"Yeah, I heard that she was giving out a scholarship or donating money or something," The student looked at me a bit odd.

I bit the inside of my cheek once I realized what was going on.

Mother had never dared set foot on campus, but she was getting desperate.

"Things must be getting worse," I thought to myself.

"Well, I don't know anything about that but let me know if you hear more!" I enthusiastically told my student.

"Yeah, okay!" He gave me a dopey smile.

I smiled back at him before marching my way over to the administration office.

I walked in knowing exactly what to expect, but when I saw Y/n sitting in the lobby... I knew it was much worse.

"Y/n-ssi, what are you doing here?" I coldly asked, kowing everyone in the room was staring at me.

"Oh, Hi professor," Y/n got up to bow at me.

"I was asked to come here this morning. I'm not sure," Y/n gave me her signature forced smile.

"Don't worry. It's for something good!" The front desk lady exclaimed.

Suddenly, Mother walked in with the Dean by her side....

And Haerin following right behind.

"Oh! My sweet daughter!" Mother started putting on a show.

"I told you she was the SamSam Group's daughter," I heard gossiping start around the office.

"Mother, what are you doing here?" I tried not to make a scene.

 Dream Professor | Kim Minji x Reader Where stories live. Discover now