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Minji and Y/n ended up cuddling up on the couch for a little bit.

Y/n knew what it was like to share your past.

Y/n knew what it felt like to 'not be normal'.

"Haha, they're so cute!" Minji laughed as the 'Encanto' movie came to an end.

- Y/N POV -

Minji was being cute as we watched a foreign film.

I knew she got the message behind the movie and I knew she was deflecting, but it was okay.

I had been shown kindness before and it was time for me to return it.

"What do you think the song is about?" The Professor asked as the song came to an end.

"It's about change and having to move on," I explained.

Truth was, America wasn't the only place I wanted to visit when I graduated. In my eyes, I had no home...

So, it didn't matter if I went to Columbia, Mexico, Canada, Germany, or any other place...

But Minji was making it hard to not call her arms my home.

"Huh?" The Professor looked up at me for an explanation.

I hugged held her tightly and kissed her cheek. "The song is about two caterpillars who don't understand that they need to go and move on. They then become cocoons and... as the song ends..., they turn into butterflies and they have to find their own place in life," I explained.

Minji sniffled a little and then chuckled. Still, I could feel the tears that escaped her eyes. "You really like to ruin the mood. Don't you?" She playfully asked.

I kissed her cheek yet again and wiped away her tears.

It was easy to see how lost she felt....

Now that she shared her biggest secret.

"Do you want to listen to music?" I asked.

"You can pick first," I tried not to shock my own emotions.

I knew what it was like to not be able to verbalize the pain one felt. I knew what it was like to have to go through 10 different emotions before you got to the one that felt right.

"It's okay. You can pick first!" Minji drunkly told me.

We had both started to drink to relax a bit.

We thought it was the break we needed, but it quickly turned into the reason we were being emotional.

We both knew how to control our emotions. Well, more like hide them...,

But this was different.

I had purposely drank a lot less than The Professor for that reason.

"I wish I was special
I gave all my special
Away to a loser
Now I'm just a loser
I used to be special
But you made me hate me
Regret that I changed me
I hate that you made
Just like you,"

Minji randomly started to sing.

I couldn't help but admire her.

"You okay?" I asked, knowing she was just going through it.

 Dream Professor | Kim Minji x Reader Where stories live. Discover now