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Y/n patiently waited for whatever was going on to end.

Y/n could hear unfamiliar voices coming from the living room, but she couldn't really make out what they were saying.

- Minji POV -

I walked over to open my closet door, just to find Y/n sitting crisscrossed on the floor, playing thumb war by herself.

"All done?" Y/n cutely looked up at me.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"All done," I answered softly.

"C'mon, up you go!" I took Y/n's hands to help her up.

"I'm really about that. I just don't want you to get hurt," I stepped up to kiss her forehead.

"It's alright. Rich people have never really liked me anyway," Y/n sighed out.

"I like you," I lifted her chin to look her in the eyes.

"Yeah, but I didn't know you were rich until a few months ago!" Y/n playfully pushed me away.

- Y/N POV -

"Be nice!" Minji still had that lustful look in her eyes.

I playfully rolled my eyes and walked out to get some water.

After an afternoon full of activities and then having to hide in a closet, I was really fucking thirsty.

Only problem was.... "Professor Kang?!"

I was surprised to find Haerin in the house.

"Ahem- I think you're missing some pants there, Y/n-ssi," Professor Kang teased.

I pulled my shirt down as much as I could and immediately walked back into Minji's bedroom.

"HAHAHAHA!" Minji was just laughing.

"You should've said you still had guests!!" I whined in embarrassment.

"I just wanted to see your reaction!" Minji wouldn't stop laughing.

"It was priceless!!" She suddenly fell back onto the bed.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and decided to tease her. "Maybe I should walk out there and let her see the rest of me?" I taunted.

"Don't you dare!" Minji quickly turned cold.

"I'm sure you can share. I'm sharing you," I smirked.

"That's different. You're not walking out there dressed like that," Minji looked really serious.

"What? You didn't seem to mind it just a second ago. I'm sure Professor Kang would like to know what you see in me," I bit my lower to tease her.

Suddenly, Minji aggressively grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. "Get dressed. Now. I don't need you acting like a little slut right now," she ordered.

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