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"Okay, I'll see you this weekend!" Professor Kim exclaimed over the phone.

After 6 months of Y/n living on her own, Professor Kim had finally gotten adjusted to her and Y/n's new arrangement.

Y/n and Gyosunim would interchangeably sleep over at each other's places every weekend.

Minji had accepted that Y/n needed her space and her own things. She had accepted that Y/n needed the basic pride and self-esteem that comes with working for your own livelihood.


The Professor felt super uneasy about something.

It was the reason why it had taken her so long to get adjusted with the situation.

- Minji POV -

Finally, the weekend had come and I hadn't been more excited about a random Friday in my life.

"Oh, Professor Kim!" The department admin suddenly caught me on my way out.

"Yes?" I turned to acknowledge her.

"We're having a department dinner. Would you like to join?" She kindly asked.

I thought about it to be polite, but I already knew what my answer was going to be...

"N-nevermimd. I forgot y-you like to be alone," The admin suddenly interjected.

I started at her for a bit.

I never understood where this "cold and stern" label I was giving to me came from. I actually thought I was pretty nice.

"I would actually love to, but I have plans for dinner. I would love to join next time though," I politely responded.

I was starting to feel really bad that I maybe I was neglecting my professional duties because I was too distracted with Y/n.

"O-oh, okay! Yes, we'll expect you next time!" The admin exclaimed, before giving me a bow and going on her way.

I took a deep breath and try to shake my thoughts off.

I then got in my car and made my way to Y/n's place.

- Y/N POV -

My phone kept on ringing and ringing.

I hated it.

"What's the point of calling, when you just abandoned me?" I sighed out, staring down at my phone.

It had been a few hours.

It looked like the sun had gone down.

I didn't know what time it was or what day. All I could see was.... the blood... dripping down my finger tips.

The little relief it gave me was just enough to let me go on another day.


I suddenly heard a knock at my door.

I sighed out in annoyance.

My best friend had been coming to try to check up on me since I requested some time off.

It had only been two days since I last saw him, but he seemed to be acting as if I had gone missing.

"Hey, I hope you're okay! I'm leaving you some pastries at the door!" He yelled through the door.

 Dream Professor | Kim Minji x Reader Where stories live. Discover now