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"Where's that dirty student of yours?" Mrs. Kim coldly asked Minji.

She was not impressed with her daughter's choices over the recent years. She needed to make sure that she got back on track.

Mrs. Kim needed Minji to stop acting a fool and get back to dating Haerin.

Or... at least someone in their own class...

Abandoning the family was one thing, but sleeping around with peasants was another.

It was even worse than being interested in the same sex.

- Minji POV -

"I don't know what you're talking about," I tried to bite my tongue.

I didn't need to give my mother an excuse to pry into my personal life even more.

"Don't lie to me. You know better than to test my patience," Mother grabbed my jaw.


Haerin suddenly stepped up to speak.

"Please don't do that. I'm not interested in being part of a family who treats their daughter that way," Haerin stared my mother down.

"Speaking of family," Mother let go of me.

"Why are you making Haerin work so hard to get you back? She came back to be with you. Why are you acting like such a brat?" She started to roam around my house.

"If you two got back together, it wouldn't be an issue. After all, Haerin's family could help out our business," Mother started opening the doors to the bedrooms.

"Fuck," I thought to myself as I realized she'd see all of Y/n's things.

"Mrs. Kim, why don't we talk about what we actually came here to talk about!" Haerin spoke up just as my mom was about to open Y/n's bedroom.

"Very well," Mother stopped in her tracks and returned to face me.

I wanted to sigh of relief, but I had to keep up appearances.

"Take Haerin back and come take over the company once we're gone," Mother demanded.

"I'm sure you're well aware of our current health," She suddenly walked over to sit on the sofa.

"I am," I coldly answered.

"So, be a good daughter and do what's best for the family. The company goes under and you lose all your money. No more funds to support your little thief. No more fancy living. No more benefits. You'll live off your wages alone," Mother started threatening me.

"That's not an issue," I coldly answered.

"Mother, why don't you head home and let Minji and I talk things out? I'm sure you're tired from coming all the way out here," Haerin suddenly interjected.

"Mother?" I turned to glare at Haerin.

"Well, at least I got to see for myself that you two are at least talking," Mother scoffed.

"Seal the deal soon. Your father and I don't have much time left," She coldly got up from her seat and walked out the front door without saying anything else.

- Haerin POV -

"Out," Minji said as soon as her mom was out of the house.

"At least wait a bit. She'll get suspicious if I just walk out seconds after her," I sighed in frustration.

I understood that Minji was upset, but she didn't need to be so rude.

"I don't care. You ruined the mood," Minji rolled her eyes.

"Where's Y/n anyway?" I tried to make conversation.

"Hiding in my closet. Like I said, you ruined the mood," Minji scoffed before walking over to her room.

"Oh, so that's why she didn't pick up the phone," I tried not to get jealous.

It was still a little hard to see Minji with Y/n, but I did this to myself.






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