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Professor Kim ended up calling off from work the next day. She wanted to stay home and make sure that Y/n made a full recovery. She also wanted to talk to Y/n about Haerin's kiss.

Meanwhile, Haerin was starting to plot something.

- Haerin POV -

I ended up having to sub for Minji the next day.

I was a bit upset at first, but got over it once I realized it was really good practice for me for the next school year.

Once classes ended, I contemplated on paying Minji a visit but I just needed an excuse.

"Ummm, maybe I'll get Y/n some soup or something," I thought to myself.

I didn't want Minji to think I was trying to hit on her. I wanted it to feel natural.

So, I did just that.

I bought some soup and other dishes then headed over to Minji's place.

After all, it seemed like Y/n was Minji's soft spot.

- Y/N POV -

Professor Kim was lounging around in the living room, while I tried to do some assignments.

I still had a bit of fever and a headache, but I felt a lot before than the day before.

Minji made sure to make me a really big breakfast and forced me to take some really nasty medicine.

"Umm, Professor?" I shyly tried to get Minji's attention.

"What is it?" The Professor answered.

"I need your help with-"


Suddenly, the front door rang.

Minji quickly got up to see who it was and opened the door.

"Hey, brought the kid some soup!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I furrowed my brows a bit confused....

And in came Professor Kang.

"Shit!" I whispered under my breath, hoping she didn't see me

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"Shit!" I whispered under my breath, hoping she didn't see me.

"Y/n-ssi!!!" Minji suddenly called me.

"Wtf?" I thought to myself.

I nervously got up from my seat and walked over to the living room. "Yes, Professor?" I politely answered.

"Ah, Y/n-ssi! I brought you soup to help you feel better," Professor Kang suddenly exclaimed.

I looked at Minji a bit confused.

 Dream Professor | Kim Minji x Reader Where stories live. Discover now