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After Professor Kim successfully got Y/n to come out of her room, things went back to how they were when Y/n first arrived at The Professor's house.

It was all cold and stoic.

Neither of them had the heart to bring up what happened. They both just acted as if nothing happened...

That's until, Minji wanted to celebrate Y/n's birthday.

- Y/N POV -

I was making Gyosunim coffee, while I caught up on some missing assignments for school.

Professor Kim and I were back to square one after the night of the gift. We didn't talk much. She would make me food, expect me to go to school, and then come home to do my homework.

I didn't mind it much... although... I did miss her affection.

Suddenly, I heard her soft footsteps walk out of her bedroom and I put my studious cap on.

I was typing up on my computer, but from the corner of my eye I could see her drying her hair with a small towel.

I heard her pass behind me, then heard her grab a mug, and pour herself some coffee.

I was trying to gather the courage to talk to her.

"Umm... could you-" I was about ask her to check my work... when she suddenly interrupted me.

"How old are you?" She coldly asked.

I cleared my throat a bit and focused back on my computer. "21," I lowly answered her.

I wasn't expecting her to ask me that.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, but refused to turn my attention towards her again.

I could heard Gyosunmin snicker behind me, before making her way back towards her bedroom.

"You know, it's rude to ask someone something and not share something in return,"  I coldly spoke up before she could close her door.

"27," The Professor coldly responded before closing her bedroom door.

I was holding my breath the entire time and I was finally able to let it out.

"Wtf?" I groaned out, laying my head on the dinning table.

- Minji POV -

I groaned in annoyance with myself.

"Wtf was that?" I scolded myself.

I was supposed to go out there and ask Y/n out to celebrate her birthday or at least spend time with her and her homework.... but instead I ruined it by blurting out the first thing that came to mind...

"Things were much easier when all I had to do was grade her papers," I groaned out.


Suddenly, there was a knocking at my bedroom door.

I put my coffee mug down and got a hold of myself.

"Professor, can you check my work?" Y/n softly yelled through the door.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

Y/n had her laptop all the way up to her face to avoid making eye contact with me.

She was really struggling to look me in the face.

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