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After a bitter-sweet Paris date, Minji couldn't wait for the next time she could see her cute girlfriend.

It was now fall break and Minji had managed to convince Y/n to come home for the week.

"How was your flight?" The Professor nervously asked Y/n as she opened the car's passenger door.

"It's was long," Y/n yawned.

- Minji POV -

I felt nervous as I drove Y/n home.

Since I had moved back to my mansion due to everything going on... I was nervous about how Y/n would take it all.

I hadn't told her anything about what was going on with me because I didn't want to worry her, but I knew that I'd have to tell her eventually.

This fall break felt like that time.

"Wait, pull over!" Y/n suddenly exclaimed.

We were just a few minutes away from home and I was startled by the sudden request.

Either way, I did as Y/n asked.

I pulled over and watched as Y/n got out of the car. She walked over to a homeless stranger sitting on the sidewalk and took off her jacket.

My head dropped when I realized what she was doing.

I did my best to lift my head back up.... but I was embarrassed...

Eventually, I looked up to find the Y/n being abruptly hugged by the stranger.

- Y/N POV -

I wasn't usually one to extend what little I had to others. I had worked way too hard to have it as it is...

But when the cold weather came around...

I couldn't turn my head the other way.

"Thank you!" The stranger started crying and hugging me.

I did my best not to cry myself. Instead, pulling away to get some money out of my pocket.

"Here. Use it to take a shower or get some food. Maybe even a Soju bottle for the pain. Just use it wisely," I handed the stranger even for at least two of my suggestions.

Most times, I was as cynical as everyone else about what unhoused individuals did with free money... but I knew better than anyone why some of those decisions were made...

"Oh my god, thank you!!" The man started screeching.

I gave him a polite smile, waved him goodbye, and walked back into Minji's car.

I already knew what Minji would say. She'd scold me or make some sort of joke that wasn't really a joke.

Minji didn't know what it was like to be on the streets, and I understood that at times she was just trying to make me feel better, but it was hard to take her words at face value when she had never experienced any of it.

"I liked that jacket," Minji whispered as I put my seatbelt back on.

"Yeah, well it's cold," I tried not to sound like I was giving her attitude.

Minji didn't respond and instead started driving off.

It was quiet for a few minutes.

It was a bit odd.

"You know," Minji suddenly cleared her throat.

I was waiting for the worst.

A "you never know what they're gonna do with that money" or an "I bought you that jacket"... But instead, I was greeted with something unexpected...

 Dream Professor | Kim Minji x Reader Where stories live. Discover now