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"I'm sorry about the other day," Professor Kim told Sakura.

"It's fine. You're rich and powerful. I can see why you felt the need to abuse it," Sakura's demeanor had changed.

"Excuse me?" Minji felt puzzled.

- Minji POV -

Miss Miyawaki was being a little odd. She was talking to me as if I was her enemy. Before, she was understanding a bit...

But not so much anymore.

"Y/n needs a certain level of care. Just because you have money, doesn't mean you have what Y/n needs. If you really knew what Y/n needs, then you'd keep your ex on check," Sakura rudely said before walking away.

"My ex?" I thought to myself a bit confused.

"Oh my god!" I sighed out in frustration once everything clicked.

I clenched my fist and marched over to my classroom.

"Professor Kang!" I yelled in anger.

"Yes?" Haerin tried to play dumb.

"Did you say something to Sakura?" I asked in anger.

Haerin gave me a smug looked, then looked me up and down. "I did.. and now I know your dirty little secret...," she huffed out. 

"Fuck," I thought to myself.

"Not like you were very discreet, Y/n practically lives in your house and drools over you in class," Haerin circled me in a threatening way.

"What did you say to her?" I clenched my jaw.

"I proposed her something, but she's just as stupid as your student toy," Haerin snarked.

- Haerin POV -

It was true.

I had tried to talk to Miss Miyawaki after I overheard her conversation with Y/n, but she wasn't as dumb as I thought.

"Are you an undergrad professor?" Miss Miyawaki asked.

At first, I thought it was because of my notoriety and status in the field.... but I quickly found out where she had the same sharp tongue that Y/n did.

"Yes," I smugly answered her.

"Then don't you know that what you're asking of me could cost you your job? What Y/n does with her Professor is none of my business. Why is it yours?" Miss Miyawaki tried to walk away from me.

"Because Professor Kim is the love of my life," I coldly answered before she could go out of sight.

Miss Miyawaki turned to look at me annoyed and gave me shrugged hand gestures. "What does that have to do with me?" She asked.

"Y/n is your ex. Don't you want her back?" I asked.

I was trying to convince her to be on my side.

Miss Miyawaki sighed a bit, before walking over to me, and saying.... "I love Y/n, yes, but we don't belong together. We've both grown up and no longer feel the love we used to know. Love is different for the both of us now. Just because you can't move on from your ex, or accept the fate of things, doesn't mean that everyone else is stuck in the past."

I tilted my head at her disrespect.

Miss Miyawaki didn't seem bothered and began to walk away again.

"Minji doesn't really know her. She doesn't know what she needs. She's just using her!" I yelled out.

"Don't call Y/n that. You don't know anything about her," Minji hissed under her breath.

"I do know that you're dating her and that she lives in your house. I could ruin your reputation a whole lot more than you already have. I could even ruin your little girlfriend's reputation too," I scoffed at her weak attempts to act strong.

"What do you want?" I could see Minji starting to tremble from anger.

"I want you to-"

"Professor Kim!!" We suddenly heard someone at the door.

It was Miss Miyawaki

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It was Miss Miyawaki.

"How can I help you?" Minji asked her.

- Minji POV -

I felt relieved that someone had interrupted us before Haerin kept on going with her threats. She could've ask me for anything or fulfill her end of the threat if she didn't lay down the rules first.

But, when I saw that it was Sakura....

I felt confused.

"I wanted to talk about a priv-"

"WOOHH!" I heard a familiar exclamation coming from outside my lecture hall.

And just like clockwork, my favorite student came around the corner.

Y/n froze the second she saw Sakura, then looked inside the classroom, and took a step back when she saw Haerin.


I cleared my throat a bit.

I could tell that Haerin wanted to say something, but I spoke up before she could.

"Miss Miyawaki, Y/n-ssi, shouldn't you be getting to class," I spoke up.

"But this is my class," Y/n answered a bit confused.

"Yeah, anyway, I got to go," Sakura got the hint and started to bow us goodbye.

"Oh, by the way," she suddenly stopped to talk to Y/n-ah.

"All my stuffies wanna know if you're okay," Sakura random said to Y/n.

Y/n suddenly got this dorky smile on her face and started to giggled. "I've been great!" She shyly mumbled out.

Sakura got a little blushy and laughed, before heading to her own class.

It seemed a bit childish...

But it looked like Sakura understood Y/n a lot more than I thought.

"Isn't she a little old to have stuffed animals?" Haerin suddenly asked.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and just went on to get ready for class.








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