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Minji ended up sleeping in Y/n's arms for a long time. Y/n didn't have the heart to move away or leave her unattended.

Professor Kim had taken really good care of Y/n all this time.

Both physically and mentally.

So, Y/n felt like it was time to step up and do the same.

- Minji POV -

When I finally woke up, it was because I felt Y/n get up from my bed.

I was a little too tired to get up immediately after her, but felt a little better than the previous night.

"Water?" Y/n suddenly asked, as she walked back into my room.

"Mhm," I hummed in response.

Y/n helped me seat up a bit and then held a glass of water up to my lips. I took a small sip, but I must have been really dehydrated because the water tasted really nasty.

"Ugh, that's it!" I whined in disgust.

"Just a little more, you haven't drank any fluids since you got here," Y/n gently caressed my cheek.

Her gentle hand caused me to blush, and I couldn't deny her request.

"Okay," I shyly giggled.

Y/n then placed the glass of water up for me to drink and I look a bigger gulp this time.

"Just a little more," Y/n cooed at me.

I did as she asked, realizing she wasn't going to put the glass of water down until I was finished.

I swallowed every drop of water I could and soon the glass was empty.

"Aaaahh~" I felt surprisingly refreshed afterwards.

"Good girl!" Y/n suddenly cooed at me, while she gently rubbed her nose up against mine.

My eyes went wide and my heart stopped from the initial shock of it all, I had never seen Y/n this way, but soon...

I couldn't help but give her an Eskimo kiss back.

"Cutie! My little baby," Y/n continued to coo at me as she squeezed my cheeks together.

"Hey, I'm older than you!" I whined like a kid.

"Yes, but  I'm the one taking care of you this time. So, you're the baby today!" Y/n smugly pressed her lips against my forehead.

I could feel my cheeks turning red and I couldn't stop myself from giggling at how cute Y/n was being.

- Y/N POV -

"I'll be fine. You took really good care of me last night," Minji kept insisting that she needed to go to work.

"Professor Kang can cover your class. Please don't take the risk and just stay home," I kept begging her.

"What risk? I'm not sick anymore," She smugly replied.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and answered back... "I don't know. The risk of not feeling well or maybe the risk of getting your students sick."

The Professor suddenly stepped up to me and lifted my chin up a bit. "I can assure you I don't go around kissing my students to get them sick like that," she smugly pecked my lips before walking off to her room.

"You kissed me! I'm your student!" I tried to tease her.

"You don't count. I've done more than kiss you!" Minji yelled back.

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