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The crowd began to quiet as the camera flashes started. Heels echoed through the building as everyone awaited the girl of the hour...

Y/n looked up to find the person she least likely thought would ever be a constant in her life approached the podium.

"When I was little, I used to dream of running the family company but when I grew up... I realized that there are dreamers and there are realists... my parents were the best of both...," Chairman Kim started the press release.

- Y/N POV -

I watched Minji's speech a bit puzzled on why she would start it in a very childish way. I had never heard Minji speak that way. To my knowledge, Minji wasn't capable of digging into the child like parts of her.

"My mother was a realist and my father was a dreamer. It's what made this company work.

I have the pleasure of being both.

I will uphold both the big ideas and the reality of the company. I will honor my parents with every decision. SamSam Group will always stand as long as the Kim name lives."

Minji's speech was much different than I expected but it had basic fundamentals of big things coming, continuing the company's success, and appealing to the general public's perception.

The SamSam Group had become very popular with the younger generations over the last few years, but stocks had dropped over the last few months because of Minji's mother.

I never cared much for what the company did until now. I blindly ate their food, purchased their electronics, and sometimes bought their stocks when I had money to spare...

Usually, I'd sell those shares back to pay for my phone bill or to buy school books...

But I understood the value of the company.

I just didn't know that Minji valued the company that much. I always figured Minji was somewhat like me or understood some aspects of someone like me.

Minji had this interesting way of going about things. I always figured that maybe life had beaten her up too. She had gone from a huge mansion to a condo. She always very friendly when it wasn't necessary...

And most importantly, she wasn't swayed easily when it came to huge life decisions.

- Minji POV -

"So, this is your office?" Y/n looked around amazed.

I was very nervous about the discord going around the internet about my speech. It was childish and a bit out of my comfort zone, but I figured that I wasn't the only one hoping to hear those things growing up.

In a business perspective, I knew that the younger generations were spending more but I also knew the older generations were the ones keeping us afloat.

"Does this mean I'll never see you in a classroom again?" Y/n looked a little upset.

I smiled at the thought that Y/n missed me being in a classroom.

"I still intend to give lectures, but probably not in the way you'd hope," I teased a little.

"Good. I don't need you falling for another one of your students," Y/n teased back.

I always found it fun to be around Y/n. Y/n was dark and hopeless... it was always refreshing to read the words of someone who knew how I felt at their age...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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