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Y/n ended up just skipping the rest of her classes and going home. She was trying really hard to not speculate on who the hell is was that called her "babe", but she still couldn't help and feel jealous.

Meanwhile, Minji was having a rather uncomfortable lunch with her ex.

- Minji POV -

I was glad to see a familiar face after so long, but I wasn't very appreciative of her demeanor.

"So, are you seeing anyone at the moment?" Kang Haerin asked.

Apparently, she was here for her new professor orientation. She would be one of a few new professors for the next academic year.

"That is none of your business," I coldly responded.

"A simple 'no' would have sufficed," she smugly remarked.

"I didn't say that," I bitterly spoke.

My heart ached a bit at the thought of Y/n.

I kept on wondering what she was thinking or what she was feeling. She was a bit more fragile then she led on to be....

And me just freezing up at sight of Haerin probably didn't help either.

"So, you are?" Haerin kept on pushing it.

"What's it to you? What do you get out of it?" I tried to bite my tongue, but couldn't.

"We could've been a real power couple, but you chose to go a different way. Doesn't bother you that our story never got its happy ending?" Haerin leaned in to whisper into my ear.

"Back the hell up. We're in public," I ordered.

As always, Haerin did as I said... but I knew it wouldn't last long. She likes to play games too much.

"Come on. Don't you wonder what it would have been like if you went to America with me or if I stayed here with you?" She tried to grab my hand.

I gave her a glare then got up from my seat and placed some money on the table.

"Don't act like you loved me so much. You made your decision... and so did I," I coldly told her before walking away.

- Haerin POV -

I tighten my jaw as I watched Minji walk away.

She was a bit different than before, but in a really hot way.

"Slow game it is," I snickered to myself.

I wasn't an idiot. I knew that getting Minji back would be a bit of a challenge, but I didn't think it would be like this.

"Ahh, Professor Kang, did you enjoy your meal at The University Dinning Hall?" The dean asked me once I returned from lunch.

"Yes, it was lovely. Much tastier than American food," I politely answered.

"That's great to hear!" He returned the same tone.

"So, here is the contact information of The Professor you'll be shadowing until the end of the year. She's not in the same department as you, but she's great. One of our top professors!" The dean said as he handed me a business.

"I have already emailed her. So, she will know to expect you," he added.

I politely took the card from him and bowed, before making my way out of his office.

Orientation was not as long as I expected and the process seemed fairly easy. All I had to do was shadow a teacher and watch them teach then wait for the next school year to be assigned my own classroom.

"Welp, let's see who I have to follow around," I sighed out in the parking lot.

I took a look at the business card I had been handed and smirked when I saw the name.

The dean had even been kind enough to write The Professor's address in the back.

- Y/N POV -

Since I had come home early, I decided to just do my homework. There was no point in waiting for Minji to get home because she was probably out catching up with her friend.

It had been a few hours and I was getting pretty tired. I was about to put all my things away, when Minji suddenly got home.

"Oh, thank god you're still here!" She suddenly ran up to hug me.

I was a bit confused, but I hugged her back. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"I swear, she's no one special. You don't have to worry," Minji kept on acting odd.

"I mean, I don't think she'd call you babe or say she'd wife you up if she wasn't at least something," I tried not seem so passive.

Minji's whole demeanor suddenly dropped and she became stoic.

"She's my ex," She explained.

"We met during grad school and dated for almost all of it. When we finally graduated... we both got different offers... I stayed home, while she went to America," Minji went more into detail.

I took a deep breath.

"So, she's the one that got away..," I thought to myself.

"Umm, that's cool. I'm glad she's back," was all I could manage to reply.

I got up from seat and gathered all my things.

"Y/n," Minji tried kiss me.

"I'm a bit tired. Sorry, Professor," I politely declined.


The front door suddenly rang.

Minji looked at me and I shrugged. I was a bit confused too. I hadn't ordered food or anything.

Minji slowly walked up to the door and looked through the viewfinder.

"What the hell?" I saw her mouth out.

She then turned to look at me and said, "It's Haerin."

I figured that was the name of her ex and just grabbed my things before heading to my room.






Author's Note: I don't know how to feel about this story .-.

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