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The warm sun settled into a fresh air morning. It was a rare sight to see...

At least for Y/n.

Most days felt gray and blurry.

"WOOOHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Y/n yelled to the sky at early hours of the morning.

Minji's eyes fluttered open and she smiled at the sound of laughter coming from the ocean-facing backyard. She sleepily got up to see what her girlfriend was up to...

Smiling to herself when she found Y/n smiling at her surroundings.

- Minji POV -

I must say it was an odd sight to see. 

It's not that Y/n didn't smile or anything of the sort. It just sort of felt different. It almost felt soul soothing.

Y/n looked relaxed with Sparkles in her eyes.

I smiled to myself and walked back in the bedroom to brush my teeth. I put on a hoodie afterwards and made myself some coffee.

I really didn't feel like bothering Y/n.

It felt like if she noticed me then whatever mood she was in would fade.

"WOOOOOHHHOOOOO!!" Y/n suddenly yelled again.

The giggles that followed after warmed my heart.

It was a good thing I didn't have much neighbors. Else Y/n would be the village rooster.

I grabbed a cup and walked over to the fridge for some orange juice.

My baby wasn't much of a coffee person.

"This feels right," I heard Y/n breathed out as she approached the house.

I waited to greet her, but Y/n never came inside. Instead, she sat on the steps and took deep breaths.

"Mind if I join you?" I finally decided to speak up.

"Not at all," Y/n gave me a sweet smile as I handed her the cup of OJ.

"What's got you so happy?" I rested my head on Y/n's shoulder.

"You, the sky, the ocean. Just everything," Y/n giggled a little.

I lifted my head to admire her smile.

"What's so different about today though?" I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Y/n took a deep breath and shrugged. " I don't know. I guess I'm just happy to not be home. Just happy to be away from all the stress and bad memories," she explained.

"I'm happy that you're just my girlfriend for once," she suddenly kissed me.

I couldn't help but giggle against her lips.

"Yeah, I like that too!" I smiled widely.

Everything really did feel different. It had only been 24 hours since we arrived, but everything felt so much easier.

"I haven't felt like this in a really long time. I almost feel like a child," Y/n took a sip of her juice.

"How did you end up like this?" I smiled from the way she looked.

The atmosphere suddenly turned quiet.

I was afraid that I had misspoken.

"I didn't really have a good mother either," Y/n suddenly spoke up.

I gulped.

It seemed like I had accidentally ruined the mood.

"My mother would rather keep appearances than do the right thing. She would rather let me suffer and make me the bad guy than admit to herself that she chose a creep over me," Y/n was oddly smiling as she shared.

"Funny thing is that even after years of knowing that I've been on the streets, hungry, and struggling. She married him last year. She married the reason I'm so messed up. Although, she's as equally to blame," She took another sip of juice.

"But I guess that doesn't matter anymore. I'm not a kid anymore. Right?" Y/n turned to give me a smile.

A light smile crept up on my face and I rested my head back on her shoulder.

"You can hurt for as long as you'd like. It will never change the way I see you. I will always be by your side," I gently rubbed her back.

"Thank you," Y/n breathed out.

In that moment, I realized I couldn't hold Y/n back. I wasn't going to put her in harms way for my own selfish reasons.

I didn't want her to have to endure my pain too.

- Y/N POV -

"How about we go home tomorrow?" Minji suddenly asked.

We were just starting to enjoy the oceans waves hitting the heels of our feet.

"I thought you wanted to runaway for a bit?" I interlocked our fingers, a bit scared to go back home.

"Running away is all you know, isn't it?" Minji suddenly turned to face me.

"That's why you've been so happy all day?" She caressed my cheek.

"So what if it is?" I pulled her hips closer.

"I'm not going to be the reason you runaway this time. You've worked so hard to finish school, despite everything you were going through. It's just one more week and its all over," Minji cupped my face my face.

"But what about your mom and Haerin and I have no idea what I'm going to do afterwards," I exhaled deeply.

"Excuses, excuses. Don't start acting like you've had any idea what you've been doing with your life," Minji teased as she wiped invisible tears off my cheek.

"Can we just enjoy our time here before we go?" I sniffled a little.

"Yes, of course!" Minji pulled me into a kiss.









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