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"It's not like they're in the room with us," Minji kept teasing Y/n.

"I already said no. Don't push it," Y/n playfully rolled her eyes.

Minji gave Y/n a mischievous smile and decided to hover over her anyway. "If you weren't so damn cute, I wouldn't listen to you," she whispered in Y/n's ear.

Y/n placed her hand on The Professor's chest and gently pushed her off.

"Baby, I know you want to," Minji kept teasing.

Y/n couldn't resist Minji anymore, but decided to stay quiet to prevent Minji from continuing to tease her.

"Will you answer me, please?" The Professor requested.

"No," Y/n huffed out.

Y/n was starting to get flustered from at the teasing.

"Awww, do you need help with moving your lips to answer me?" Minji kept teasing.

"No," Y/n was getting all blushy at this point.

Minji couldn't resist Y/n's cuteness anymore and leaned down to kiss her lips.

"Minji, behave," Y/n whispered against her lips.

Minji knew Y/n was just trying to be polite to their guests, but they weren't in the room with them so she found no reason to have to stop.

Minji continued to kiss Y/n's lips, then trailed kisses down her neck, causing Y/n to softly moan.

Things started to escalate from there, when suddenly......


"Professor Kim, Y/n-ah, I'm leaving now. Thank you for everything!!" They heard Sakura say through the bedroom door.

- Haerin POV -

I watched as Sakura said goodbye to the couple still in their bedroom, and started to feel a little uncomfortable with myself again.

I knew I had hurt everyone in the house, but I felt too ashamed to even apologize.

"Goodbye, Professor Kang," Sakura gave me a polite bow.

Sakura was just about to walk out the door, when I finally gathered up the courage to apologize. "I'm sorry I tried to make you a bag guy," I tried to apologize.

Sakura too a deep breath and just nodded in response.

"Hey, leaving without breakfast?" Minji suddenly walked out of her room, with Y/n right behind her.

I couldn't lie that the whole night I kept wondering what they were doing in their room, but I had no right to so.

A part of me was just hoping that they hadn't gotten too far yet.

"Yeah, at least stay for breakfast," Y/n told Sakura.

- Minji POV -

We were all eating breakfast at the dinning table. It was a little awkward, but not as awkward as I thought it would be.

"Did you sleep well?" Y/n asked to no one in particular.

"No. You have so many stuffed animals in your bed," Sakura teased.

"You act like you couldn't just throw them to the floor," Y/n sassed back.

"How did you sleep?" I decided to ask Haerin.

"Umm, I couldn't sleep much either," Haerin looked a little uncomfortable.

"Is it because of my mom?" I cleared my throat a bit.

The whole table suddenly went quiet.

"Umm, yeah... it's actually because of both our parents...," Haerin eventually answered.

"My mom doesn't seem to be homophobic when it comes to making deals with your family. I guess I'll have figure out a way to distance myself from my family like you have," she openly shared.

I turned to look at Y/n for a second and Y/n nodded in response. I reached over to hold Y/n's  hand, before saying.... "If you promise to leave my relationship with Y/n alone, then I don't mind helping you out in the meantime."

Haerin tilted her head a bit confused.

"I'll lend you my girlfriend to save face for the time being, but just leave us alone. No more blackmailing, no more trying to get between us, no more anything," Y/n told Haerin.

Y/n and I had talked overnight about helping Haerin out.

I was initially against the idea, but then realized that I could use Haerin as a shield to protect my relationship with Y/n. More importantly, to protect Y/n from my family.

Ultimately, I decided to agree with Y/n's suggestion.

"It's fine. I've done enough to all of you. I don't need to owe you more than I already do," Haerin seemed a bit upset.

"You don't owe me anything," Sakura suddenly spoke up.

"You already apologized to me," she followed.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the information.

"We just want to help out. That's what friends are for, but if you don't want to then it's fine," Y/n tried to console Haerin a bit.

"We're friends?" Haerin looked a little shocked.

"Yeah," Y/n chuckled out.

"Besides, it'll help me keep Y/n safe while you figure what to with yourself," I tried explain myself.

"I could shield Y/n from dating rumors," Sakura suddenly chimed in.

I looked at her a bit confused.

"If Professor Kang is going to be your shield for Y/n then I don't mind doing the same for you. I wouldn't want you to get fired or have rumors going around the school that you're dating a student," Sakura explained.

I didn't really like the sound of that.

"Besides, no offense, but I don't trust Professor Kang. If she chooses to back out on the deal then I can at least be there to protect you two from blackmail," She followed.

I bit the inside of my cheek a bit.

A contingency plan sounds really good.... but I just didn't like the idea of having to lend my girlfriend to her ex...

Though, Sakura seemed more trustworthy than Haerin.

"Alright," was all I could make to respond.

"Haerin?" I returned my attention to her.

"Umm...," she still didn't seem too sure.

"I guess I don't really have anything else in mind at the moment," Haerin mumbled out.

"Okay, then it's deal!" I exclaimed.






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