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"I'm still feeling-


a little sick, Professor," Y/n fake coughed as she watched Professor Kim getting ready for work.

Minji raised an eyebrow at Y/n, knowing that Y/n was just making excuses to not have to go to school.

"Still feeling sick, huh?" Minji asked a bit skeptical.

"Mhm," Y/n hummed out.

Professor Kim narrowed her eyes, before walking up to place her hand on Y/n's forehead.

"You don't feel warm anymore," Minji told Y/n.


Y/n kept on fake coughing.

Professor Kim wasn't having any of it. So, she kissed Y/n's forehead, to trying to seem endearing, before trailing kisses down her neck.

Minji could Y/n's eye shut and her breathing became so heavy.

"I know you're not sick anymore,"she whispered into Y/n's ear.

"I know what it is you really want," she gently nibbled on Y/n's ear.

"Professor," Y/n softly moaned.

"But I can't do that if you're sick. I can't get sick too," Minji kept teasing Y/n with nibbles on her neck.

"Professor, please. I'm not sick anymore," Y/n begged in a moan.

Professor Kim smirked to herself, before coldly saying.... "That's what I thought".

"Now, get your ass up and get ready. I don't want to see you in my class again!" She sternly ordered.

- Y/N POV -

Professor Kim had forced me to come to school.

I wasn't lying when I said I still felt sick, but she was in charge so it's not like I could fight it. Plus, the school year was coming to an end and final exams were starting.

"Y/n-ssi!!" I heard a familiar yell as I walked through the campus.

It was Professor Kim.

"Yes, gorgeous?" I teased once Minji approached me.

She just looked so freaking gorgeous, I couldn't help myself.

"I'm so flattered that such kind words would come out of a slacker you," Professor Kim said me

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"I'm so flattered that such kind words would come out of a slacker you," Professor Kim said me.

I sighed in annoyance, knowing what was to come.

Minji only sassed me at school when she wasn't happy with my performance in class.

"What did I do now?" I huffed out.

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