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Professor Kim didn't want to let Y/n go.

She kept kissing on Y/n's neck, lips, and shoulders.

"Professor, I need to go to work," Y/n moaned out.

By now, Professor Kim and Y/n-ssi had been secretly dating for 3 months.

Y/n had started to accrue a decent amount of savings from working and The Professor was starting to worry that Y/n would soon leave her.

- Professor Kim-

"Babe, I have to go work or I'm gonna get fire!" Y/n tried not to moan, attempting to push me off her.

"You don't have to go to work. I'll always take care of you," I whispered in her ear, before returning to kiss down her neck.

Y/n's breathing was starting to become uneven and she was about to give into me.... When her phone suddenly started ringing.

"Hello?" Y/n answered without hesitation.

"Yeah, I'm already on my way. I'll be right there!" Y/n responded to the person on the other line, as she gently pushed me off her.

I sighed in frustration at the situation.

Lately, Y/n had been taking on a lot of extra shifts at work.

Don't get me wrong...

I was really proud of Y/n for working really hard at both school and work, but I never got to spend any quality time with her anymore.

"I gotta go!" Y/n said, jolting up from my bed and rushing over to grab her things.

I got up and dragged my feet behind her.

"Are you staying late again?" I sighed out.

"Probably!" Y/n responded with a quick peck to my lips.

"Don't wait up. I promise I'll spend time with you this weekend!" She yelled on her way out the door.

I couldn't do anything, but take a deep breath and drag myself back to bed.

- Y/N -

I ended up missing the bus, so I had to run all the way to work in order to make it there in time.

"What the hell?! Why did you miss the bus?" My best friend asked.

"I couldn't get out of bed," I answered him as I put my apron on and got ready to work.

As far as my best friend knew, Minji had only put me up for those two weeks. He had no idea that I had been living with her and that we were dating.

"Are you ever going to tell me where you're staying now?" He asked in annoyance.

"Nope! But I won't be there for much longer," I smugly answered him.

It was true.

I wasn't planning at staying at Gyosunim's place for much longer.

I had been saving every single penny I could.

Just one more paycheck and I could make my impossible dream come true.

Just one more paycheck...

And I could make Minji so proud of me.

- Professor Kim-

Y/n ended up taking more shifts over the weekend. It had become such a common occurrence, that I was starting to get ideas in my head.

 Dream Professor | Kim Minji x Reader Where stories live. Discover now