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While Minji was dealing with everything to do with the company, Y/n was trying to keep a low profile in hopes that Minji's family wasn't secretly keeping tabs on her.

- Y/N POV -

It was the first week of school and I was already paranoid.

I had chosen not to talk to Minji for some time just in case her mother was tailing me. I had also chosen not to do so because I was scared that maybe she had chosen to completely let me go.

That's until....,

"Do you need me to buy you a phone or something?" Minji suddenly walked up to me as I exited my last class for the week.

"Do you need me to buy you a phone or something?" Minji suddenly walked up to me as I exited my last class for the week

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"Professor!" I was shocked.

"You're not my student anymore," Minji greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Woah!" I took a step back a bit cautiously.

"What are you doing here?" I asked a bit confused.

"You haven't talked to me for a few weeks. I figured you lost your phone or something," Minji raised an eyebrow at me.

I cleared my throat, knowing that wasn't a good sign.

"I just didn't want to put you in an uncomfortable position....," I mumbled under my breath.

"I also thought we agreed on pausing our relationship until I got back home," I added a bit embarrassed.

Minji and I had talked for a really long time about our relationship. We had made certain promises to each other and we had agreed that we would pause things between us until I got back.

It was all for precaution.

"I realized.... there's no such thing as pausing with me...," Minji suddenly caressed my check.

"You're either my girl or you're not," She stepped up to press her lips against mine.

I pulled away a bit scared and took a deep breath.

"This doesn't feel like the right place for you to kiss me. Someone could see us," I shyly cleared my throat.

"You're right, Princess. Care to show me your dorm?" Minji slyly bit her lower lip.

I raised an eyebrow, unknowingly biting my lip as well, and shyly nodded.

- Minji POV -

Y/n was crazy to think that I was just going to let her go like that.

It was one thing for us to promise to get back together when she got back home, but her acting as if she could just move on was not something I was going to allow.

"Yeah, so this is my dorm. My roommate is still in class so I guess we could hang out here for a bit," Y/n sounded uneasy.

I looked around her dorm for a bit and took a deep breath.

It was small and the idea of Y/n dorming with another girl didn't sit well with me.

"So, what's your roommate like?" I was trying not to come off as jealous.

"She has a boyfriend," Y/n quickly picked up on my mood.

"So, no. I don't even find her the least bit attractive," She suddenly pulled me closer.

I cleared my throat nervously and avoided eye contact.

I was always the one to initiate things between us, but Y/n was much smoother than I was. I always found myself getting tongue tied whenever she took the lead.

"Does that answer your question?" Y/n caressed my cheek.

"Mhm," I shyly nodded.

"Good. Now, I thought we had agreed to distance ourselves from each other until you took over the company?" Y/n cupped my face.

I scrunched up my nose knowing Y/n would start scolding me soon.

"I- I just m-missed you," I stuttered out.

"I missed you too, but this was your idea. I thought you wanted to protect me. Protect us. Our relationship. Isn't that why you decided to go back to your family? Isn't that why you're taking over the company?" Y/n caressed my cheek, knowing I was on the verge of crying.

- Y/N POV -

Minji wasn't one to hold her tears much. She wasn't one to cry too much either. So, I knew something was wrong when her eyes started tearing up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I gently massaged below her eyes.

"I- I just missed you," Minji stumbled on her words again.

"We don't have to talk about it," I pulled her into a hug.

I knew Minji hated returning to her family and I felt really bad that she was doing it all for me, but Minji was stubborn. No matter how many times I told her that she didn't have to do what she did, she didn't listen.

"Come here. We have a few hours to cuddle," I pulled her onto my bed.

It didn't take long before Minji found herself falling asleep in my arms.

"Must have been a long flight," I thought to myself as I kissed her forehead.

"I missed you," Minji suddenly mumbled in her sleep.

"I missed you too," I gently kissed her cutely closed brown eyes.









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