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A vacation can't last long when there's things unfinished.

Y/n knew that all too well.

"Why is this starting to feel like goodbye?" Minji whispered as she watched Y/n get ready for school.

Y/n looked up and gave Minji a smile instead of an answer.

- Y/N POV -

Minji understood what was coming. She didn't seem to know exactly what to expect but she saw what was coming.

"Be here for your exam at exactly 7:15 am. Not 7:16 or 7:14. 7:15 am. Punctuality counts towards your final exam," Professor Kim coldly told the class.

Minji had been avoiding my eyes all day.

"You will have 2 hours to complete the exam. Final grades will be posted by the end of the following week. If you're graduating this year, we wish you luck!" Professor Kang exclaimed as she looked straight at me.

"You're all dismissed," Professor Kim lowly told the class.

Everyone started to gather their things and exit the classroom. I waited to hear Minji's usual request for me to stay behind...

But it never came.

"Y/n, you should go. We have a lot of prepping to do," Professor Kang told me.

I looked over at Minji and she was purposely going through her rough draft of the exam.

"Okay," I sighed out.

- Minji POV -

"A guarded heart suffers less wounds," has been my life motto for the last couple of years.

Only, Y/n had changed that for a moment.

"Did you talk to Y/n about the scholarship?" Haerin suddenly asked.

"She doesn't wanna go," I huffed out as I changed a question on my exam draft.

"Don't you think you should help make decisions that are good for her? Help her see that this is a great opportunity," Haerin stepped up in front of my desk.

I exhaled and put my pen down.

"Y/n has full autonomy of her decisions. Anything outside of me does not concern me. She can do whatever she feels is best for her," I looked Haerin straight in the eyes.

Haerin took a deep breath and diverted her gaze from mine.

"I just hope you can see that you're not helping anybody by being stubborn like this," Haerin said as she exited the classroom.

I took a deep breath and let it out.

This was the most stressful Finals Week I had ever experienced.

- Y/N POV -

I had made my decision.

I scanned my bus pass and looked at the map on my phone. My destination wasn't as far as I thought, but it was far enough where I understood the distance.

"You have arrived at your destination," The map told me through my AirPods.

I turned off my map directions and stared at the huge building in front of me.

"So, this could be all yours?" I thought to myself as I thought of Minji.

"Oh, Y/n-ssi!" I suddenly heard someone say from behind me.

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