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The Professor ended up taking Y/n back to her place.

It seemed like she finally understood what that uneasy feeling she was having was.

It wasn't about being proud of Y/n. It was about trusting her to be alone.

It wasn't because Professor Kim didn't think Y/n couldn't survive on her own, but it was because she had noticed certain behaviors Y/n had when she'd lash out.

Before, Minji saw it as bratty behavior... but now she understood that it was more than that....

- Minji POV -

After the scare Y/n gave me the other night, I was in desperate need for some advice.

I managed to convince Y/n to come back home with me just for a few weeks while we figured everything out.

I wanted to respect her wishes of keeping her own place and being alone, but I needed time to figure out if that was even something I could trust her to do.

When I asked her why she did what she did... she just shortly said... "to feel".

The rest of the weekend she spent it hiding in her room.

While I... I found myself digging through my emails to look back on Y/n's "Impossibly Possible Dream".

"She referred back to it for a reason. So there must have been something I missed," I kept on thinking to myself.

Monday morning, I couldn't wait to do some research at The University library. I needed a book, some advice, or direction on how to approach Y/n on such a sensitive topic.

I also needed to understand more on what different kinds of love really mean.

Because apparently, I wasn't doing enough.

I felt a bit awkward looking for books that could possibly help me assist with Y/n, but it was the only thing I could think of...

Until I saw the top Psychology Professor of institution, putting back books she had been reading.

I took a deep breath and awkwardly approached her.

"Hey, can I ask your professional opinion on something?" I awkwardly asked The Psych Professor.

"Sure?" The Professor looked a bit confused that I was even talking to her.

"Ummm.... I had a student write about dreaming of unconditional love. What exactly does that mean?" I wasn't even sure what I wanted to ask her.

So, I just asked her the first thing that came time mind.

The psych professor suddenly giggled a little and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"You have Y/n in your classes this year, huh?" She looked very amused.

"Yes," I coldly responded.

I felt a bit offended. It felt like she was mocking Y/n in a way.

"That kid. Such a little slacker," she chuckled out.

"Excuse me?" I sternly asked, crossing my arms.

The Professor suddenly turned to look in my direction and her smile dropped. She stared at me for a second before putting down what she was doing and sighing out.... "Y/n is always missing classes, turning things in late, and even being disrespectful to staff."

"If I were you, I wouldn't think twice about wasting time on that kid," she looked disgusted with me.

"Maybe she acts that way because no one is giving her the time," I scoffed out.

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