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Y/n was upset by The Professor's behavior, but Minji was even more upset at the lack of consideration Y/n had.

In Y/n's eyes, she was still just a charity case for The Professor...

But in Minji's eyes, she was starting to think that she found the real thing.

Someone who takes care of her and doesn't expect much aside from communication. Someone she could take care of and love without feeling any pressure. Someone who wasn't going to leave her when times got tough.

In Minji's eyes, Y/n was the toughest person she had ever met.

Y/n was homeless, suicidal, and a little reckless but she was still standing.

Minji knew she had nothing to do with that. She just provided a safer place for Y/n to be herself. But, she was starting to think that nothing she did was appreciated.

- Y/N POV -

"HEY, Y/N!!" I heard someone yell from behind me.

I turned back a little confused...

And found Professor Kang walking my way.

"Great, the source of my problems!" I huffed out under my breath

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"Great, the source of my problems!" I huffed out under my breath.

"How's Minji?" Professor Kang asked, once she reached me.

"Excuse me?" I asked a bit thrown off.

"I mean, Professor Kim...," Haerin caught on to her mistake.

We were in a school setting after all.

"I think she's fine. Why don't you call her? She seems to be thinking a lot about you these days," I bitterly responded.

It hurt to say, but it was true.

All I ever heard lately was about how I was just like Professor Kang

"Really? Good things, I presume," Haerin's face seemed to light up.

"Not really," I exhaled out.

"Oh," The Professor seemed disillusioned.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and turned back to walk into the library, but just before I could...

"I know you may not know this, but has Minji talked to her parents by any chance?" Professor Kang suddenly asked.

- Haerin POV -

Mrs. Kim had reached out to me a few weeks back. It looked like something had happened that caused Minji to distance herself from her parents.

Mrs. Kim had found out that I started working for the same university Minji was working for and she asked me to pass a message along to her.

Only problem was....

Minji had been to cranky lately.

Every time I'd try to talk to her, Minji would snap at me or start scolding me like she scolds Y/n.

It was really weird.

Also, Minji was just scary when she was mad.

"Parents?" Y/n looked confused.

"Yeah, her parents can't seemed to get a hold of her. I was just wondering if maybe something had changed," I informed Y/n.

"Oh, okay. Well I'm not sure," Y/n sighed out.

To be honest, Y/n looked kind of worried.

I hated to admit it, but Y/n was a sweet kid. She was smart and really cared about Minji. At times I felt like maybe they were dating the whole time, but Minji insisted otherwise.

"Is there a reason you're asking?" Y/n asked.

"No, it's just that the Kim's are a bit sick. They just want to ensure the SamSam Group is left under good hands," I spoke without thinking.

"SamSam Group?" Y/n furrowed her brows at me.

It was times like this that I knew Y/n couldn't be dating Minji.

Y/n didn't know anything about Minji.

She didn't know that Minji was the daughter of the richest person in the country. She didn't know that Minji was the most well known professor in the country because of her parents. Y/n didn't even seem to know how famous Minji really is.

If Minji and Y/n were really together...

Then Y/n would know more about Minji.

"Just nevermind, tell Minji to call me when you go back home," I sighed out before getting back to what I was doing.

- Y/N POV -

I was so confused.

I had come to school to study, but suddenly something else seemed more important.

I hurried out of the campus and rode the bus back home. I looked up SamSam Group and Kim Minji on the internet the whole entire ride back.

It seemed like it was a well known fact that the SamSam Group chairman was sick, along with his wife.

It also looked like there was an unnamed daughter of the pair. A lot of articles alleged this mysterious daughter to be Professor Kim.

"You getting off or what?!" The bus driver suddenly yelled at me.

I was too distracted with my phone to realize I had reached my stop.

I hurriedly got out of the bus and ran into the house.

"You're back so soon?" Minji still looked upset with me.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Well, I ran into your ex," I huffed out.

"How fun," Minji sassed me.

"Actually, yes. It was entertaining to find out that you're part of one of the richest families in the country and that your parents are sick," I spoke with the same attitude.

Minji's whole demeanor suddenly dropped.

"How do you know that?" She asked.

"Professor Kang told me just now," I sighed out.

"Now, I know why people always stare at you when we go out," I lowly added.

At times I felt inferior to The Professor, but I didn't know I was further behind her than I originally thought.

"People always stare at me when I go out, because they're trying to figure out if I'm the Kim's daughter," Minji exhaled out.

"Are you?" I bit the inside of my cheek in frustration.

"Yes," Minji sighed out and started to walk away from me.

It looked like she didn't want to talk about it, but she at least answered my question. So, I didn't feel the need to continue on with the conversation.

"I wish Haerin hadn't told you that," Minji began to pour herself a cup of coffee.

I took a deep breath, not knowing what to reply.

"She said to call her. I guess your parents have been trying to get a hold of you," I awkwardly passed Haerin's message along.

"They call me every day. I don't pick up for a reason," Minji coldly said before storming off to her bedroom.






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