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Minji was starting to get concerned about Y/n's lack of communication throughout the day. She was also concerned that every time she saw Y/n...

Y/n was not where she needed to be.

"Hey, you said students here are usually privately tutored?" Haerin asked as they packed up their final class.

"For the most part," Minji answered her.

"So, do Y/n's parents pay you a lot to privately tutor her?" Haerin followed up.

Minji just gave her a cold look and continued on what she was doing.

Haerin didn't understand why Minji refused to answer any of her personal questions. They weren't hard questions, it was just basic things.

"Anyway, I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow," Minji awkwardly waved Haerin goodbye and went on her way.

- Haerin POV -

I had spent the whole day with Minji and I learned nothing about her or her life since we broke up.

She didn't talk about her life at school or her life outside of school or her parents or her hobbies or anything, she just focused on school work.

"I just need to give her time," I told myself.

I packed up my things and closed up the classroom. I then made my way to the staff parking lot and noticed Minji hadn't left yet.

She was barely getting in her car.

"She's so pretty," I thought myself

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"She's so pretty," I thought myself.. not realizing I was staring at her.

It looked like she was looking for someone.

She her phone and it didn't look like anyone answered. She called again and again and again. Eventually, it looked like she gave up.

I sighed out and told myself to just leave her alone. I was about to get in my car, when i noticed Y/n walking out of the school campus.

She looked worse than before.

I watched her for a bit and then suddenly....


Y/n-ssi just collapsed.

I closed my car door and yelled... "Minji!"

Minji turned to look at me and I rushed over to check on Y/n, with Minji not far behind me.

"Woah, woah, woah!!" Minji immediately dropped to the ground to check on Y/n.

"Hey, Y/n. Look at me. Did you take something? Are you hurt? Are you okay?" She started to get frantic.

I furrowed my brows at the odd array of questions Minji was asking her student.

Y/n-ssi shook their head and tried to get up, but she just looked too weak to do so.

- Minji POV -

My heart sank to my stomach the second I saw Y/n on the floor.

"I knew I shouldn't have left you alone!" I scolded myself, while I frantically tried to get Y/n to respond.

"Hey, tell me what's wrong?!" I shook Y/n in a panic.

"T-tired," Y/n managed to stuttered out.

I sighed of relief a bit and checked her temperature. She was burning up.

"B-Y/n, I think you're sick. You're burning up," I almost made a mistake right in front of Haerin.

Y/n just shook her head no.

"Come on, let's get you some medicine. You need to rest," I tried to help Y/n up.

Haerin suddenly grabbed Y/n from me and carried her in her arms.

I was a bit surprised that she wanted to help.

"Where to?" Haerin asked.

"My car," I told her.

"What?!" Haerin exclaimed.

"I said... my car," I coldly responded.

"Shouldn't we take her to the school infirmary?" Haerin asked.

"I'll take her if it's such a problem," I raised an eyebrow at her.

Haerin shook her head and did as I asked. She gently placed Y/n in my car then suddenly got into my passenger seat.

"Guess we're taking her to the hospital?" She asked.

I could hear Y/n groaning in pain in the background.

It was breaking my heart.

"I can take it from here. You can get out," I told Haerin.

"No, she's important to you. I want to make sure she's okay," Haerin coldly responded.

"Haerin, this is none of your business!!" I yelled.

I was sick and tired of Haerin trying to insert herself in my life. It had only been 24 hours and she was already trying to get back in my life as if nothing ever happened.

"Ooowww," Y/n started to groan again.

I sighed out of frustration, turn on the car, and drove without trying to pay much attention to Haerin.

It only took 10 minutes to get home, but Y/n's temperature seemed to be rising.

Haerin tried to carry Y/n out of the car, but I refused. Instead handing her my purse so I could carry Y/n in myself.

- Y/N POV -

I felt lightheaded, but my head was pounding. My heart felt like it was going to explode and I felt extremely hot.

I was shivering, but it felt so hot.

"Hey, it's okay," I kept on hearing Minji's voice.

Suddenly, I felt a warm wet towel on my forehead. "Open up," I heard Minji order.

I did my best to open my mouth and soon felt liquid dripping into my mouth.

"Just relax and get a good rest. Everything will be okay," I felt Minji's soft hands against my cheek.

I was trying my very best to thank her, but I couldn't hold my eyes any longer.

















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