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Minji had been taking care of Y/n for a while now, but now...

It was time for Y/n to take care of Minji.

After crying for over 30 minutes, Y/n had to force Minji to dry her tears and greet a few guests before attempting to leave the event.

It would look bad if Minji just left after giving her speech

- Minji POV -

It took a while for me to be able to leave the remembrance dinner, but I eventually managed to get away.

Y/n was so sweet and patient the entire time.

I felt bad for laying the responsibility of Y/n on Professor Mo and Haerin... but I couldn't allow for anyone to make Y/n a target...

"Are you warm enough?" Y/n asked as she handed me a cup of tea.

I gave her a forced smile in response.

Y/n knew I had no energy in me and just smiled back. She then walked over to get another blanket and I was finally all warm and toasty.

I felt a little calmer now that Y/n was home, but I couldn't figure out why I suddenly had random crying episodes.

I was fine up until now.

"Okay, I haven't seen you eat all day," Y/n walked over with a tray of fruits, avocado toast, and a bit of salmon.

"I'm okay," I tiredly responded.

"Mhm, open up," Y/n ignored me and placed salmon in front of me.

I sighed, knowing she wouldn't give it up, and took the salmon into my mouth.

I started to get teary eyed as I chewed.

It tasted really good.

I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten.

"Does it taste okay?" Y/n looked worried.

I just nodded in response.

My chest had tightened up and I felt an impending crying episode coming on.

"Okay," Y/n continued to feed me.

A few more bites of food later, I was cuddled up into Y/n's chest on the sofa. I felt at peace for once in a very long time.

It almost felt like everything I had been worried about had just melted away.

I was ready to rest my eyes...

When my hyperventilating started up again and I began to cry.

- Y/N POV -

Minji had been crying all night. All I could do was hold her and be there for her.

I was sad that she was sad...

But I couldn't show her that.

I had to be strong for her.

"Do you want some tissues?" I whispered once I heard Minji sniffling harder.

"It's okay. I don't even know why I'm crying!" Minji squealed, trying to get a hold of herself.

"It's cus you miss your parents, Silly!" I wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I didn't even like them!!" She started crying harder.

I held her tighter and gently rubbed her back. "I know... but they were your parents," I tried not to tear up.

"They might have not been good parents... but they were your mom and that... it's okay to be sad, upset, and even angry at them... it's okay to cry," I held her like I was never planning on letting her go...

Because I wasn't.

I knew what it was like to cry for someone who didn't deserve it. Someone who absolutely failed you and acted like you were the problem.

It was a complicated feeling...

But it was a necessary feeling to be able to move forward.

"It ju-just hurts!!" Minji was in pure emotional agony.

I took a deep breath and lifted her in my arms to carry her to her room. I gently laid her on her bed, but Minji immediately pulled me back and clung onto me.

"I'm just gonna get you some fresh clothes," I took a deep breath.

Minji just shook her head in response.

I exhaled deeply and held her tightly as I sat on her bed, with her on top of me. Clinging onto me as if I was going to leave her.

- Minji POV -

I felt really embarrassed for the way I was acting in front of Y/n. I was being a big crybaby and I was probably suffocating her, but I couldn't let her go.

I felt safe in Y/n's arms.

"When was the last time you slept?" Y/n asked as she put my hair up in a high ponytail.

"I don't know," I sniffled.

"Should we try to go to sleep?" Y/n asked.

I took a deep breath and nodded... knowing I couldn't...

"Okay, just close your eyes and I'll hold you. I'll close my eyes too," I whispered as she started to place soft kisses on my face.

I smiled a little.

But soon felt bad that Y/n had decided to go to sleep while sitting because I refused to let her go. Still, I thought she was managing me a lot better than I thought.

I think I thought that not telling Y/n about what was going on was better than telling her because I had to stay strong in case she needed me.

I never thought I'd be the one to need her.

I never thought she'd be the strong one for the both of us.

"Close your eyes, Professor. I'm not going anywhere," Y/n teased a little.

There was something comforting about Y/n calling me Professor.

"Minji, I'm serious..," she started to scold.

A small smile crept up on my face and I nuzzled my head into Y/n's neck. Soon enough, Y/n's gentle back rub put me into a deep sleep.








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