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"Em... Emily... you told me the guys here were the most handsome hiccup you really le ... let me down" you said completely wasted after gulping 4 bottles of soju, while sitting on a couch in a big fancy hotel which is quite popular for male escorts.

The two male escorts whom you just turned down saying they are not handsome enough were boiling in anger "hey... how can you say that... we are the most handsome men here, but you are complaining since an hour... that's enough"

"eh... hehe... I feel so sorry, she's a little drunk. Don't mind her" Emily, your college friend who brought you here spoke.

While she was apologizing to the male escorts, you started wandering here and there, "it has to be him" you said and angrily stood pointing at a tall, well dressed male "hey you... stop there"

"oh no..no" a low sound escaped from Emily's mouth. "Why did I agree to bring her here... O God! Please help!" she fake cried, because you were making the whole hotel a mess by yelling at every other male you see there.

"Is she crazy or what? She really wants to mess with him?" the two male escorts whispered

"girlie, are you talking with me?" the tall man said in his deep husky voice.

You pulled him closer to your face, stretching his tie "yeppp... come to keep me company" and dragged that man clutching his tie while all other members standing there including Emily, male escorts, friends and the guards of that tall man were shocked.

You made the tall man sit on the couch and offered some wine "come on drink with me, handsome ma..man" you spoke while trailing your fingers on his shoulder and the other hand still offering wine. 

You were completely lost in his manly fragrance, intoxicating you more than the alcohol.

The tall man showed no interest, he didn't move at all. But then, your fingers traced his masculine neck to which he poked his inner cheeks, tilting his head he looked at you with his dark orbs.

He held your chin and swiftly swished his thumb over your lips. With an evil smirk plastered on his face, he moved a little closer to your face before speaking in his hoarse voice "little sweetie, don't play with something you can't handle".

You jerked his hand that was gripping on your chin away "hey. Tha... that's hurt, I... I came here just to be wild, it's none of your business" you uttered spookily.

The man stood up abruptly... he looked into your eyes with a sharp gaze, piercing your soul while smirk never leaving his lips 

"bring her to my room" he ordered and went away.

His guards took you to his room. 


You scanned the whole room, upon seeing a wine bottle your mood lit up and you quickly ran towards the bottle, not bothering about the man, who was observing every little move of yours. You were about to drink the bottle when the man took it away from you.

"Does it taste so good that you forgot about me? Huh? Little lamb?" saying this he held the bottle from your grip and stretched it upward, far from your reach.

Since you were not that tall, you started jumping to grab that bottle, but in vain "hey, give me that" you whimpered.

"take off" the man said with a piercing gaze 

"wh...what did you say?"

"little one... you wanted to be wild, right? I am helping you with that" he whispered in a husky voice, smirking.