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I don't know what's keeping you from commenting on the story. it is really pissing me off . The story is at its end still there are barely comments on it.

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Jungkook was helpless. He lost his parents and now his only family, his sister whom he loved the moon and the back is about to get killed before his eyes.

The greed of filthy rich people engulfed his entire family in the name of sacrifice.

His parents died and now his sister was lying unconscious on the ground in the middle of a creepy circle as they said they were sacrificing her to their God.

A 12-year-old boy who was supposed to spend his life with his family, who was supposed to be happy and enjoy his childhood was now standing amidst the horrendous act of Kim's family, trying to save his fami-- only family Aecha.

He was all alone. kneeling and head engraved down he realized how small he was before Mr. Kim, as he pleaded and pleaded but Mr. Kim didn't listen to his pleadings at all.

Jungkook's heart was getting heavy at each passing moment as he knew he held no power on anything. He knew Mr. Kim doesn't even care an ounce neither for Aecha nor for him.


He can't let his sister die.

He can't let his sister to be the prey of rich people's desires.

He has to save his sister.

He must protect her.

Jungkook was ready __ ready to do anything to save Aecha. He was ready to surrender his whole life as a slave of Kim family.

He just wanted his sister - Aecha to live a happy life.

Jungkook sat on the floor with his legs folded, his hand resting on his knees. His head hung low, eyes closed tightly to not let tears shed but the pain in his heart was gushing out of his eyes and his tears were flooding the floor.

"Plea..se... let us g..go'' Jungkook tried real hard to not let them hear his sobs.

"She is innocent. She will not dist..urb you again ever... I pro..promise Please let her go" he pleaded, kneeling down before Mr. Kim and that shaman.

"I know your sister is innocent and she has done nothing wrong... but what should I do? It's not my fault. It's all y/n's fault. She is not at home so I had to bring your sister in place of her. If you want to save your sister, then bring me y/n. I will offer her then and not your sister" Mr. Kim spoke as if it's just a piece of cake to kill a person.

'"Pleaasee" Jungkook cried "I don't know where she is... give me some time, I'll bring her to you, but please don't kill my sister"

"The problem is I don't have time.. I can't wait anymore" Mr. Kim laughed hysterically "y/n is really lucky... her mother saved her".

It's y/n, it's always y/n. Why did she have to leave the house just yet. its all because of y/n, because of her.. my sister is dying. Jungkook's thought was not responding rightly.


Mr. Kim and that shaman being unabashed by the deed they were doing didn't even ponder about Jungkook's grief and continued with the ritual to please their so-called GOD for their so called worldly desires.

Shaman raised his hand to lift the paper from the table but paused at one position when his eyes went towards a figure standing behind Mr. Kim.

It was Jungkook.