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Anger flushed your brain and you pushed him away harshly after settling your feet on the floor.

"Stay away" you yelled at him "We are over now... don't you dare come near me".

"Hey.. let's talk" Taehyung pulled his hand out in an attempt to touch you but you were so in anger that you burst on him

"What do you wanna talk about now.. Huh.. tell me... when you were making out with that bloody Reha, then didn't you know that you have a girlfriend, .. So why now... why would I talk to you or listen to your bullshit".

You were screaming, yelling at him.

His nostrils smelled the alcohol on your breath which triggered him

"You're DRUNK?" he asked, angrily grabbing your arm and shaking you a little.

"So what.. And you know what... I also made out with a hot escort.. What was his name..aaa.. Ahh I don't remember... by the way, I am just coming from there" you smirked in victory thinking you had your revenge.

"You're lying. You are not that kind of a girl.. You never let me..your boyfriend to touch you, then how can you do such a thing with some stranger, perhaps you did this just to take revenge on me?" he was not ready to accept that you made out with someone but him. His jealousy was at peak now.

"You can do it.. Then why don't I... It was Amazing though" saying you giggled, making him clench his fist in anger.

"Leave her baby.. She's not your standard anyways" a voice came from behind Taehyung and it was Reha, the girl Taehyung ditched you with. She came and stood beside Taehyung, snaking her hands around his arm.

You scoffed looking at how she is clinging onto Taehyung trying to claim him. Taehyung was infuriated, he jerked Reha's hands off his arm and warned her "you mean nothing to me.. So don't dare come near me".

You rolled your eyes realizing how easily Taehyung can dump girls and still every girl in the college drools over him and wants to be under him.

Yeah .. charms do work!

You rolled your eyes!

You started walking towards your hostel but Taehyung stopped you, clutching your wrist tightly "Don't go.. I know I made a mistake, it was a moment of weakness, let's just forget it and start again".

"No... nothing is gonna work now. You had a moment of weakness and that was the time you lost me.. I don't have feelings for you anymore.. I don't love you" you said without looking back. you jerked your hand off, and marched towards your hostel room.

Your heart was tearing at each step you were taking away from Taehyung... you lied to him that you don't love him, but the reality was till the age of 22 you had only loved him.. He was your college crush, you both got into a relationship when you were 19 and now you broke up with him after 4 damn years. And it's not easy for you to forget someone whom you loved with your whole heart.


Jungkook was sitting in the back seat of the car while his friend Namjoon was in the passenger seat and Jimin was on the driver's seat.

"What happened Jungkook?... hmm... why are you ignoring me?" a famous actress Julia sitting along the jungkook said as she snuggled into his neck, trying to seduce him.

Jimin and Namjoon were also noticing the change in Jungkook's behaviour, since the time he had left the hotel he was lost somewhere.

"Yeah bro, what's going on.. Why are you acting so strange?" Jimin said before laughing breathily. But Jungkook was all into his thoughts, he didn't even listen to the talking around.

Just then, Julia started roaming her hand on Jungkook's body seductively, in an attempt to gain Jungkook's attention she was about to place her hand on Jungkook's member, but jungkook slapped her hand away. Not just this, he told Jimin to stop the car and when Jimin halted, he threw Julia out of the car.

"What the hell are you doing jungkook?" namjoon spluttered, "are you on your mind? Did you even realise what you just did.. She's not a mere girl, she is an actress and moreover your girlfriend, how can you do this to her?"

"She is not my girlfriend" jungkook growled "and you all know, she just want to get fucked by me. And now I don't want her... she is not interesting to me anymore".

"Oh... so your eyes are on that little girl who mistook you as an escort in the hotel?" Jimin said mockingly. He knew that jungkook is not into scaredy little girls, but to his surprise jungkook said

"Hmmm..... Just find that girl for me"

"woohoo... you just ignored a beautiful woman for a mere girl, which is not even your type" jimin laughed

"Jungkook, is that girl this important?" Namjoon asked

"Very important," he whispered looking out of the window glass.

~ after two months~

"y/n, your duty is on this counter to take orders from the company's employees, here. And remember try not to make any blunder" the manager of the company's canteen area strictly spoke. "yes ma'am" you replied bowing down.

Phew! This job is really hard. But at least they pay well. Oh, it's working hours so no one's gonna visit this canteen right now, that means I am free for four hours... ummm... what should I do? How do I kill time?

After thinking a lot you decided to wander around and explore the company.

As you entered the elevator to go to the top floor, three men, Jungkook, Jimin and Namjoon also entered the same elevator discussing something "59th floor" one of them ordered without glancing at you. They mistook you as an elevator lady.

Instead of saying anything, you pressed the button while drooling over the men "wow such a handsome group... the guy in the suit looks a little familiar... have I seen him before" you were thinking while biting your nail.

Ding dong

Elevator stopped.

"oh arrived so soon?" Namjoon spoke and looked up to see the floor number which was 49th. "hey... elevator lady, why do we stop at the 49th floor?"

"Oh I'm sorry..." you said in a low trembling voice and Jungkook took no time to recognize that voice. He looked at y/n all at once "that little girl" he murmured.

"When you can't handle an elevator, then who the damn fck gave you this job" Jimin yelled at you but Jungkook held Jimin back saying "let it be".

Your eyes sparkled as you thought "sir is so polite, he stopped the other boy from scolding me"

Just then the canteen manager came as she saw you in the elevator with them, she got terrified... "O no... what's she doing here, it's her first day here and she definitely likes to get fired on her first day" she murmured before advancing towards them.

"I'm sorry sir... I will teach her all the rules and regulation" she said to Jungkook, bowing down, not daring to stand straight in front of him.

~time skip~

You were cleaning the counter when your canteen manager said "sir has called you, he is waiting in my cabin".

You got puzzled

Me? Why? What did I do now?