R E D E M P T I O N ?

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Jungkook was eagerly waiting for you to come to the office so that he could apologize. Apologize? Will he ever apologize to you?

He was feeling terrible within himself...

'I've crossed all limits by touching her'  Regret drained his mind again. Only he knows how hard he tried to sleep last night, but the thought of you was not letting him do so.

He was feeling something strange that he never felt before. He never pondered about any girl before, he just used to have fun with them, and after getting bored, he just used to throw them out of his life as if they are nothing.

But for you, it was different.

He was experiencing restlessness in his heart for the very first time.

"I hurt her" he buried his face between his palms.

"Whom did you hurt now?" Jimin exclaimed entering the cabin.

"None of your business" irritation was flocking Jungkook's face.

"Well.. where were you last night? After leaving the restaurant I called you so many times.. Why weren't you picking up my calls?" Jimin questioned him.

The moments of last night flashed before Jungkook's eyes, and the anger took him over again. He clenched his fingers into a fist recalling that incident and gulping his rage he spoke "why were you calling?"

Jimin scoffed at Jungkook's behavior "you were the one who told me to collect information about that girl... I called you for that only, I thought she is important to you.. but .. it doesn't seem so... So let it be, she is a normal girl anyway"

Jungkook's eyes sparkled on hearing this "Give me her file," he said clearing his throat.

Jimin grinned thinking "how a girl is making him to change his moods in seconds"

"Here" Jimin handed over the file containing your information

"she is just a common girl, Jungkook.. Why are you taking so much interest in her"

Jungkook frowned on reading the file "this is not her"

"You are doubting my work," Jimin snarled.

"She is a common girl... I already told you, see her full name is Choi y/n, she was an orphan and got adopted at the age of 8. The lady who adopted her, raised her all alone as she never got married to anyone. She lives in the outskirts of the city and owns a flower shop. And Y/n studies here in the college of Seoul, and she works during her holidays. She joined our company at the start of this month, and she will work here for 3 more months until her classes start, as this is her last year. And she is studying business" Jimin proclaimed.

"What about the information before she was 8 years old? her real parents? How was her life back then? "Jungkook stated.

"Yeah.. actually.. This is something I also wanted to know. My man tried gathering some details of her previous life but couldn't. As if someone wants to protect her information" Jimin remarked.

"bullshit! I told you...She is not just a random girl," Jungkook insisted.

"How can you be so sure.. Huh" a voice echoed from behind Jimin, they turned toward the voice "Namjoon Hyung... I saw that..." a knock on the door cut Jungkook in between.

"Come in," Namjoon stated and Mrs. Lin came "sir, y/n wants to relieve the company" she informed bowing down.

"No she can't," Jungkook aggressively stood up from his chair, making Jimin and Namjoon look in his direction. The push was so intense that the chair lifted slightly from the ground.