R E A L I S A T I O N ?

751 28 3

"Aechaa... Aechaaaa..." a 12 year old boy was screaming, running somewhere through the dark woods. yelling the name continuously tears filled his eyes, and the lump choked his throat.
"Aechaa, where are you" he wobbled again, swirling at one place "Aechhaaa".

Watery eyes, rustling woods and the richness of dark night not allowing the young boy to see clearly, still he was motivated to search "Aechhaa" the boy sobbed. 

"Opppaaa" a faded cry of a girl was heard, making the boy turn instantly and look around without any direction "Aechaa" he called again stepping forward somewhere, in a hope he could find her. but to no use, the cry of that girl kept fading away.
Despite feeling the urge to chase, he couldn't. The boy felt as if he was stuck at one place, he was lost and something holding his feet tightly, forbidding his movements.
The young boy yelped at his helplessness.

"Aecha" Jungkook gasped, waking up with a jolt from a terrible nightmare. Sweat drenched his face and naked torso, breath unstable, he was firmly grasping the duvet. He looked around breathing heavily and it took him a few minutes to realise that he is in his room on his bed and it's 11:00 in the morning. (well 11:00 is not morning, adjust please)
He wiped the sweat off his forehead "Aecha" he whispered, closing his eyes, recalling the girl before him.

These nightmares still haunt me, and what's scary is that they were real.

"I will not let them live in peace"
"Get ready for MY revenge dear y/n" Jungkook smirked and took the phone from the bed table "have you sent those men at the location" he asked the person on the other side of the call.


You were heading out of a cafe feeling all gloomy. You lazily opened the door "why does it have to be me" you whimpered because this is the 13th job you applied for and got rejected in a row.
"This is so unfair God" you were on the verge of crying when your phone rang.
You rubbed the small amount of tears away from your eyes, and breathed in before taking up the call "Hi mumma, how are you" you succeeded in hiding your cracked voice.

"y/naa why didn't you call me yesterday, huh.. Your friend was there, asking me about you. Did he tell you something" your mother bombarded you with questions.

"My friend? Who?" you asked confusingly.
And after thinking for some time, your mother revealed "jimin.. Did you tell him that you are adopted" you sensed the concern from her words.
"Mumma, I haven't told him anything and you are my real mother, okay, I love you. you know that right" you consoled your mother

"Okay tell me what are you doing" you diverted the conversation, your mother chuckled before answering "going to the shop only, what else I can do, you tell me.. How is your work going?"

"I am working really hard mumma... they pay me well" you lied to your mother about your job. You didn't want your mother to take unnecessary tension of yours, so you decided not to tell her that you don't have work.
"So when will you.." your mother paused, and after sometime started shouting

"Mumma what happened, hello.. Mummy.. Are you listening.. Hello.. What's happening there" you were worryingly yelling and then suddenly the call got cut.

Your heart rate doubled as you started panicking.
I should go.

You booked a taxi straight away ready to leave for your mother's place. You were about to sit in the taxi when you again got a call from your mother "I am coming mumma" you said while slamming the car door.

You could hear your mother sobbing on the other side "everything is ruined y/naa" your mother sobbed even more.

"What happened" you asked worriedly