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The next day, Jungkook was having his lunch while Aecha was impatiently looking at Jungkook's face

"Hurry up!!!" she said irritated since she was desperate to meet you so that she could show you her beautiful pink dress that Jungkook had brought for Aecha on her birthday.

"Wait a moment Aecha.. Let me eat first'' Jungkook pinched Aecha's bubbly cheeks before slurping the noodles.

"Finish? Let's go" clutching onto Jungkook's finger Aecha dragged him towards Kim's mansion.

There you were, a little 5 year old girl.. Playing with her stuffed toys in that luxurious living room.

"y/n" Aecha sprinted towards you and gave you a tight hug squeezing you in her arms. "Look at my birthday dress. My oppa gave me this" Aecha was so delighted that it could be seen through her shiny round eyes, the same as jungkook.

Being a little baby you clapped your hands looking at Aecha's dress and said in a cute tone "pretty" and tapped on to the floor signaling Aecha to sit beside you so that you both can play home.

While you both were busy playing, Jungkook was there standing at the doorstep admiring her little cute sister playing with you in the middle of that gigantic and luxurious living room. Jungkook's bunny smile was all over his face not until he heard some footsteps approaching.

Knowing who would be approaching at this hour.. Jungkook immediately ran towards Aecha "Aecha stand up.. Lets go" he was pulling Aecha's arm but Aecha being stubborn or say she wanted to play with you she resisted "NO. I AM NOT GOING"

"Tch!! Aecha Mr. Kim is here... we'll come back after he leaves, but please lets leave now" jungkook knew that Mr. Kim doesn't like kids.

Alas! Aecha was not ready to leave and after so much trying Jungkook gave up.

Jungkook immediately ran away from the middle of the living room and stood along the wall leaving the way to enter for the approaching men. His hand clutched forward, head down, he stood there not daring to look up.

"Mr. Lee, I don't think we should invest in this project." Mr. Kim entered the hall along with his business partner Mr. Lee.

As soon as Mr. Kim entered, his eyes fell on Aecha and you. He inhaled sharply looking at you both, controlling his anger he ignored the kids and continued talking to Mr. Lee

They took their seats on the couch "We can't reject their proposal just like that... we should hav....." Mr. Lee said but halted at the laughter of Aecha.

And there's a huge mistake that Aecha had done unknowingly. Mr. Kim being short tempered didn't think twice before kicking Aecha on her stomach making her land on the floor and Aecha started crying.

Seeing this, jungkook hurriedly ran towards Aecha taking her in his arms Jungkook stood up

"Who let these bastards in my house?" Mr. Kim shouted in anger, glaring at Jungkook, he never liked kids to be in his house. And knowing this Jungkook didn't say a word and taking Aecha he ran out of the mansion.

Mr. Kim's eyes landed on you, who was all clueless standing there with a toy in one hand, while you looked at your father with pretty baby eyes. Mr. Kim stepped forward and knelt down before you. You smiled looking at your father,


Mr. Kim slapped you.

"This girl has ruined my life" he yelled, losing his temper. "Ever since this girl has born our business is dooming... she is evil for this house" Mr. Kim was about to slap you again, but your mother saved you in time.