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"This is y/n's mother's contact and address, i think i should abduct her" jimin placed the papers on the table as namjoon looked at him in disbelief "what's the need of abducting her, we don't want to bother her".

"But she is the only one who knows the real identity of y/n "Jimin exclaimed.

"That doesn't mean that we should abduct her" namjoon said looking at jungkook who was quietly listening

"Yeah! Namjoon hyung is right, we shouldn't. I will go to her place and interrogate her, " Jungkook calmly took the papers and started turning them one by one.

"WHAT??? YOU'LL GO???" Jimin shouted.

"Yeah.. there's no big deal going there"

"No.. Jimin will go. I need you here" Namjoon said.

"What's so important that you need me here" jungkook let out a breathy chuckle.

"Don't forget, you are the half owner of this company, and the other owner is Mr. Kim and Mr. Kim wants to handover this company to his son, so you must be present at that time. You can't leave just like that" Namjoon glaring at jungkook "aaaaa" Jungkook nodded multiple times "thank you for reminding me" he sarcastically laughed.

"So this is decided, jimin will go and handle things there, and you jungkook, you will attend the meeting with Mr. Kim and his son, Kim Taehyung" Namjoon said to which the other two guys agreed.

The next day Jimin went to your mother's while jungkook attended the meeting with Mr. Kim. Jimin never thought that your mother would disclose the truth without any effort. It took just a few minutes to convince your mother to reveal the real identity of yours.

"About 14 years back... I used to run an orphanage, one day a boy.. He must be 15 at that time, he brought a girl.. y/n my daughter. She was just 8 back then. And I clearly remember that day, y/n was injured badly, blood dripping down her arm, and her skin was latched onto her bones depicting that she must be starving for quite a few days. That boy was her guardian, her cousin, he brought a bag along with y/n and asked me to adopt her. Seeing that little y/n in so much pain, her unconscious body.. I couldn't say no.. and I adopted her. She is my daughter now. I don't know about her real parents. And I don't even want to know them. If they can abandon this beautiful girl, then I am sure they must be some cowards."

"Does y/n know this?" jimin asked

"No.. she doesn't. And please I request you, don't tell her anything. She should know just one thing that she is my daughter and that's it."

"What about her cousin?"

"He visits this house sometimes, like once a year, just to check on her. But y/n does not remember her cousin"

"What's his name and what does he do?"

"KIM SEOKJIN. His occupation.. I don't know. I revealed everything just don't tell y/n about this. She is really sensitive and she wouldn't be able to bear it. Please don't tell her this" the lady pleaded before jimin.

Isn't it fishy that your mother revealed your identity to someone just like that???


Jungkook and Mr. Kim were seated in the meeting room, waiting for Mr. Kim's only son. Kim Taehyung.

"I dont think your son deserves half of the shares of this company," Jungkook claimed. And the next moment, the door opened welcoming Kim Taehyung "who doesn't deserve ?" he said, taking the seat just in front of jungkook.

"YOU" jungkook was shooting daggers at Taehyung.

"I didn't know that here, people are judged without even knowing them," Taehyung articulated.

"I think we should start the meeting" namjoon saved the day.

And they started the process of handing over the half shares of the company. During the whole process jungkook was glaring at taehyung and taehyung was also giving him an angry stare.

As soon as the meeting got over.. Jungkook rushed out of the room and why not, afterall he was eager to know if you are really KIM Y/N or just CHOI Y/N. he was restless to know if that mark on your shoulder is the one he chased his whole life or is it something else.

Jungkook took out his cell phone and dialled jimin's number... it was ringing and just then jungkook felt a tap on his shoulder

"You are the one who hit me that day.. Right?" Taehyung snarled as he turned Jungkook to face him.

Jungkook frowned and scanned Taehyung.

Smirking, Jungkook yanked Taehyung's hand off his shoulder "Know your limits" and went away.

While Taehyung stood there, scoffed glaring at Jungkook's fading figure.

It was almost night Jimin and Jungkook were seated in namjoon's house and jimin explained each and everything that happened at your mother's place.

"Why would a mother tell a stranger about her daughter" namjoon questioned

"I don't know that, but i do know one thing now that, the kims are alive" jimin said

"This can't be... I burned them myself, they can not be alive, "Jungkook said, throwing his arm over the couch.

"So is that woman lying?" Jimin chuckled nervously before adding "She has clearly said that y/n and her cousin are kims and this leads to only one thing, that is the kim family is alive"


He inhaled deeply, calming his anger.

"We'll see... I have my own way" jungkook smirked

"What are you gonna do now?" Namjoon asked, grabbing Jungkook's shoulder.

"Don't worry hyung, i am just going to have my revenge and that's it"

"You do know that she is not at fault right?" Namjoon digged to know what's going on Jungkook's mind.

"SHE.IS.THE.ONLY.ONE.WHO.IS.AT.FAULT" jungkook's dark orbs revealed that he is not in any mood to spare you alive and that thing hit namjoon faster than a light.

"You are not gonna kill her right?" Namjoon asked just to gain a playful smirk from Jungkook, "Why do you think I didn't give Yoongi that NAPALM, huh!"

These words left Jimin and Namjoon shocked. They couldn't believe that the thing they fear the most is happening now. He is going to kill her.

"What if she is not the one who actually deserves your hate?" jimin spluttered, and jungkook's sharp gaze fell on jimin "I may fail to remember my friends for once, but enemies, never!"

"So what's your plan now?"

Smirking. Jungkook replied "y/n's mother owns a flower shop.. Right"

What is he going to do now? Why does he want to kill you? What have you and your family done that he doesn't want any of you to be alive in this world?