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"Yoongi! Yoongi! Yoongi! My Dear Yoongi" Jungkook declared his presence in the dungeon, taking a seat beside Namjoon. Yoongi was all tied up in a chair while his right-hand man 'Lucas' was lying half-dead on the floor probably due to the beatings to get Yoongi's location.

"It was damn hard to spurt out your location from him," Namjoon said to Yoongi, who was looking at them with a deadly stare. Despite being all tied up, with no guards around, and no safety, Yoongi did not fear any of them.

"Why did you attack her?" Jungkook's calm yet scary voice echoed in the dungeon.

Yoongi let out a breathy laugh "Why? felt scared?" Yoongi's piercing eyes showed how desperately he wanted to ruin Jungkook.

"I wanted to settle the matter down, but you.." Namjoon gritted his teeth, Jungkook stopped Namjoon placing a hand on his shoulder and said instead

"want to know how it feels?" Jungkook stood up and walked towards Yoongi, glaring at him.

"I'll tell you," Jungkook whispered, bending down to Yoongi's face.

"JIMIN" Jungkook spoke a little louder, composing his posture back, while Jimin pressed a button, and a video flashed on a big TV screen attached to the wall.

"Geonji" Yoongi's eyes widened on seeing his only son.

"Your son is really cute and brilliant too, look how cutely he's studying at school" Jungkook grinned, showing his big doe eyes to Yoongi, "ahh! Jimin, show the other one" and again jimin pressed another button. This time Yoongi's wife appeared on the screen "hmm... your wife definitely likes to spend your money on shopping".

"What. are. You. up. To." Yoongi did his best to not show his fretful state.

"I'll not do anything Yoongi," Jungkook said sneeringly, "but you know...," Jungkook pouted, raising his brows, as if he was concerned, "sometimes, some bad people set some bomb in a school and in a mall. And then BOOM! Your 6 year old kid and a beautiful wife are dead" Jungkook laughed, showing no mercy.

Yoongi used his all strength to untie himself, "YOU BASTARD" he shouted "I'll KILL YOU" he grunted, trying to loosen the rope from his body. He moved his torso so hard that his chair collapsed with the floor. And he fell on his back. Still Yoongi was yelling, shouting non-stop and struggling restlessly, just like a fish out of water.


Jungkook stopped laughing, bent down near Yoongi's face. He placed one hand on one of his knees while the other knee and the hand was on the floor for support, "this.is.how.I.felt.when.you.attacked.MY.Y/N" his dangerously low voice held tremendous power.

"Y/N IS MINE. ONLY MINE. NO ONE CAN TOUCH HER...." he yelled, and grabbed yoongi's collar before yelling again "....NO. ONE. get that!" yanked yoongi's collar away and stood up.

"Don't do anything to my family, they have nothing to do with all this mess. I swear I'll not harm y/n ever" for the very first time in his entire life, Yoongi pleaded. It won't be wrong to say, Even the mafias are helpless when it comes to their family.

"Doesn't it all seem too easy? Huh!" Jungkook grabbed yoongi's hair, pulling them, he made him sit on the chair.

"Why do you think I'll believe you?"

"I won't do any harm to your y/n, I swear on my life.." Yoongi got cut by Jungkook's word "pffft! What a joke"

Jungkook turned to Namjoon and took some papers from him.

"Here! Sign them" jungkook almost threw those papers at Yoongi.

"What's this"

"A deal"