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Despite feeling scared, you knocked on the door before entering the cabin.

As you entered, you found him engulfed in some files.

His wavy black hair covering his doe eyes which were immersed in reading the words on file. His broad shoulders, and long tattooed fingers clutching onto the file, gave you a pleasant view to look at.

It would be a lie if you say you didn't drool over the enchanted view, making your breath unstable and stomach feel the whole zoo.

After slavering the delightful sight for a good whole minute, you said "sir, you called me?" and gained his attention.

On hearing your voice, Jungkook looked at you "Ahhhh... long time no see.. Huh, Ms. Y/N?"

"What do yo.. You mean sir!" his hoarse voice made you choked on your saliva.

Jungkook stared at you deeply. Slightly squinting his eyes he closed the file. He walked around the table to reach you, who was standing just beside the door.

His slow crawl which brimmed with hostility was making you dying from inside and his intense gaze left you with fear.

He stopped just in front of you. You were not able to look into his eyes due to the fear building inside you.


Jungkook held your jaw, forcefully jerking up your face, he said "LOOK.IN.MY.EYES" His raging voice was doing nothing good to calm your blasting heart.

Somehow you managed to glance at him.


"You want me to do you here?" Jungkook whispered leaning his face near to your ear.

The fear you were feeling reached your core.

"Sir.. what ar...are you ta...lking about" you dared to question him.

"You little lamb.. Don't you wanna complete the thing, we left that day" his hoarse voice was sending shivers in your body.

Which day??? 

What thing??? 

What's he talking about???

"I don't know what you talking about" you said roaming your eyes everywhere but him

His grip on your jaw got even tighter when he didn't got the answer he wanted to listen. "Look at me," he demanded.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"I... I'm here for wo.. Work"

"That's it? Huh?" he snarled huskily.

You nodded. While he further dug his fingers into your jaw making you hiss in pain.

"Sir leave me please, you are hurting me" you said clutching onto his hand trying to remove it.

He jerked his hand away and moved back crossing his muscular arms over his well-built chest he looked at your trembling figure.

"How about... you spend one night with me, I'll give you enough money that you will never have to work in your whole life" he smirked.

"Stay in your limits, SIR!" you boldly opposed him although you were dying inside feeling his terror, pointing at him you further added "you don't know who I am.."

"Oh really? Who are you Ms. Y/N?"

"I am... I am" you got perplexed at his sudden question but thinking something you said again "I am sister of the scariest mafia in south Korea"