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Jungkook quietly sneaked into the kitchen through the back door and looking at the room where her parents were, he whispered "I promise Mom and Dad, I won't let them have a peaceful death. I won't, I promise. and that y/n... I will find her and torture her to the level that she would beg for her death"

Jungkook clenched his fists, his heart pounding with a mix of grief and rage. His mind flashed the scene of his father and mother ruthlessly tied up, the injuries all over their bodies and they were thrown in the pool of their own blood as if they were corpses. He remembers the attempt on her sister's life, he remembers how he was pleading to let go of her sister.. he remembers it all. Now, he stood alone, ready to exact his revenge.

He pulled a small, makeshift torch from his pocket and flicked it to life. The flame danced in his hand, reflecting the burning hatred in Jungkook's eyes.

With purposeful strides, Jungkook marched towards the main entrance of the mansion, each step fueled by his desire of Justice. He pushed open the creaking doors and the sound echoed in the gigantic hall of the mansion as the warning.

The moment he flung the door open, Mr. and Mrs. Kim turned their faces and looked at Jungkook. Mrs. Kim was sitting on the sofa as her leg was stabbed by Jungkook preventing her to walk and Mr. Kim had red raging eyes since the time he took Aecha with him.

At the moment, the air turned thick with rage, desire and avenge.

Jungkook taking the flamed torch in his hand moved through the hallway with the confidence of a predator on hunt. his gaze fixed on his target Mr. & Mrs. Kim.

Finally he reached the grand hall, the heart of the mansion.

"You took everything from me" Jungkook seethed, his voice barely more than a whisper "But now it's my turn".

"if you want to get out of here alive.. then give me your sister" Mr. Kim snarled and fisted his fingers in anger. His eyes shifting from Jungkook to the torch then again to Jungkook.

Jungkook smirked "Sure"

He took out the Knife and swiftly yet in a quick motion, Jungkook shoved it into Mr. Kim's foot causing Mr. Kim to yelp in pain.

"Bastard" Mr. Kim yelled trying to pull the knife out of his foot "aaaAAAAA".
Cutting through the flesh of his foot the knife was stuck into the floor restraining Mr. Kim to move even an inch.

Jungkook smirked and glanced at Mrs. Kim, she was as restless as her husband. she couldn't stand up and her husband couldn't move now.

jungkook stepped back.

"BASTARD.. COME HERE" Mr. Kim yelled in pain.

"why don't you try to come, i am standing here. Come and kill me" jungkook said.

Mr. Kim applied pressure to pull the knife out but in vain. the pain was so fierce and throbbing that it turned Mr. Kim's foot numb. Moreover, the oozing out blood made the floor slippery.

Mr. Kim bent for the last time, and clutching the knife with both of his hands...he pulled the knife out finally. and as he did so, he started laughing. Mr. Kim laughed like a maniac.

"poor boy.." Mr. kim raised his foot towards jungkook as he was determined to kill him. but he couldn't take more than a step ahead and he fell on the floor.

This time Jungkook laughed, and dropped the lit torch onto the floor "oops! my bad".

Mr. Kim was lying on the floor, he tried to stood up but he couldn't. The floor was slippery. There was some liquid and a pungent smell too. Mr. Kim rubbed the liquid in between his fingers and smelled it "kerosene".