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Days passed and you observed that now Jungkook doesn't interfere with your work anymore. Every day he visits the canteen when no one is around, orders a coffee, drinks it there, and then leaves. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Now you began to work enthusiastically in the canteen for the remaining days and side by side you were looking for some part-time jobs too, to work on after relieving from there.

10 days have passed in just a blink of an eye. You wrapped up your work and were about to leave when you got a call. You looked at your phone screen as your lips tugged into a smile "Hey Emily... Wassup"

"Heyyy" Emily was as glad as you were "where are you y/n.. Send me your location" she was impatient.

"Hold on.. Hold on.. I'll tell you everything.. Take a chill pill" you chuckled.

"Yaaah.. I bet you've forgotten"

"What did I forget" you asked

"Tomorrow..." saying she stopped in a hope you'll guess, but you didn't "Tomorrow is prom night" Emily said yelling at you

"Aishhh" you actually forgot that tomorrow is prom "hahaha.. I was just testing your memory Emily" you tried covering up.

"I remember everything, it's you who just don't remember" she huffed in annoyance "Okay leave it, give me your address, i am coming to pick you up and we are going for shopping"

"Okay.. I'll ping you my pin location"

You cut the call and sent your pin location to Emily. Soon Emily arrived and you both went shopping. Both of you enjoyed each other's company. you bought beautiful gowns, jewelry, and whatnot.

It's always a therapy to go shopping. Isn't it?

The next day you were thrilled, you and Emily had planned so many things for this prom night. But you were feeling a little low too, because you don't have any partner. You broke up with your ex and now you don't have anyone to go with. But it's okay, you will enjoy it on your own.

You took a day off from your work and went to Emily's apartment for some pampering. After all, your ex was going to be at the party and you wanted to look perfect.

As the shiny day was covered with the shadow of night, you and Emily went to the prom night. Emily's boyfriend Jacob was waiting for her in front of the club. Once you reached there, you three went inside the club.

As soon as you entered, your eyes scanned the whole area to find that one person, Taehyung, your ex.

You observed every corner of that area

Maybe he is with Reha. but no Reha had some other partner.

Where is he?

You wanted to just see him once. It's been more than 2 and half months since you last saw him and that too when you were drunk and broke up with him that day.

I wish, I could see him today

Alas! You weren't able to find him.

Maybe he'll come late. You still had hope and why not, he is your first love after all. And first love is not easy to forget.

You loved him truly with your whole heart. Maybe you still do.

You were just sitting in the corner of the club with longing to just take a look of Taehyung beaming through your eyes. Instead of Taehyung, Reha approached you "look who is here! Huh" she said a bit loud, grabbing the attention of your classmates and some seniors around.