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"How did you get this mark?" he spoke coldly. His thumb still rubbed the mark.

"Oh" you slowly straighten your posture after putting the heel on "this" you spoke looking at the mark on your left shoulder "I don't know, I guess its my birth mark"

Jungkook was still staring at it, tracing his long fingers along it "but it doesn't seem so" his hoarse voice made you feel terror in your core.

"Yeaa... it seems as if someone has engraved this mark on my body" you spoke playfully trying to lighten the thick air between the two.

"Hmm.." Jungkook was deep in his thoughts, you sensed his seriousness

"Whenever you look at my mark, why do you get so serious"

Hearing you he turned his orbs to your face. His controlling eyes ruled your timid one. You couldn't stand his dominating gaze. Gulping down, you shifted your gaze to the floor.

Jungkook's hand that was holding your hand moved to your waist and he pulled you towards him crashing your body against his.

His other hand softly traced your jaw, lifting it up "Look At Me".

You flapped your eyes before raising them at his command.

"you like the dress?" his voice was hoarse against your skin, erupting goosebumps all over you.

You slightly nodded looking at his face. The way his eyes were gazing at your lips made your heart do multiple backflips, turning you breathless.

"You're beautiful" he murmured and cupped your face leaning towards you. 

He placed a quick soft open mouth kiss just near the corner of your lips. your heart skipped a beat when his soft lips touched your skin. 

He moved back, leaving you




You wanted more!

Biting your lips, you looked at his', he let out a breathy chuckle as he deciphered your intentions,

"should I give one more?"

"wh.. No" You caught off guard, your cheeks flushed so red that you didn't even need a blush anymore.

You dashed out of the room, feeling all shy.


The gigantic hall was filled with non-stop chatter of the guests. Standing on the stairs, you roamed your eyes around the hall... the music, the lights, and the crowd made you anxious. This was your first time attending a party filled with such elite people. No one present there was of low class, the great CEOs, actors, artists, and maybe some mafias were also there, enjoying the party.

"Take a deep breath," Jungkook whispered in your ears as he came from behind you and snaked his arm around your waist giving it a little squeeze. You looked at him, nervousness, fear, anxiety got noticed by him.

"Don't worry, I am here... with you" his words did bring some courage to you and clutching his arm you both walked at the center of the hall.

Namjoon was attending people "make yourself comfortable" he flashed his dimple smile to one of the greatest celebrities there. Jimin was busy arranging some other things for the party, while Taehyung's eyes were glued on you.

His blood churn when he saw your hand resting on Jungkook's, but the thing that made his jealousy even worse was Jungkook's hand on your waist. He sipped the wine and crashed the glass in anger. His eyes shot fire.