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"Why are we going in there.. Let's go back Jungkook. I am not feeling good" Your chest tightened.

You looked back through the mirror and there was nothing but the consuming silence of the woods.


"What are you up to Jungkook?" you were about to tear up "I shouldn't have trusted you. Whenever I think that you've changed, and you'll not do anything. At that very moment, you prove me wrong"

Jungkook glared at you and you gulped down your words. 

"Please leave me" you pleaded, shutting your eyes tightly.

However, Jungkook was not bothered at all. He was there sitting calmly as the driver - Aiden rode the car through the woods.

You flinched when you heard a cluttering sound. You mustered all the courage and looked up "we've arrived" Jungkook said, opening the car door for you.

You did not want to get off the car, but having no other option, you placed your feet on the ground.


Who owns a house in the middle of a damn forest?

"I do"

"Huh" you were perplexed, did he just hear my thoughts?

"You must be thinking who owns this house, I do. This is my house. Or you can say my safe place"

You scanned the whole area. It was surprisingly beautiful. The huge building looks nothing less than a castle.

Beautiful blossoms flanking the pathway.

From here, no one could say that this house is in the fucking middle of the dense forest.

You inhaled deeply, taking in the fragrance of blossoms mixed with the dangerous musky night.

"Come" Jungkook led the way as you followed him inside that mighty castle.

After getting fresh-n-up in your room, which was just beside his, you came downstairs to have some dinner before drifting off.

"Woah!" the chandelier in the middle of the dining area caught your eyes "its so beautiful" you murmured.

The huge dining hall that could accommodate tons of the elephants, had a long dining table placed in the centre.

"One...two...three..." You stood there and started counting the number of chairs along the dining table. "FIFTY-TWO" you gasped.

"You delivered it?" Jungkook grabbed your attention when he came from behind talking on the phone. He settled himself on the chair "okay tell me in case anything required" he cut the call and signalled you to sit.

"I've sent some workers there to rebuild your shop, and a few bucks have already been sent to your mother" he informed you in a nonchalant tone.

"You don't need to do this" you spoke softly, putting the porridge in his bowl.

"I know what I have to do"

Why does he always have to be so rude?

"I don't want favors from you anymore, you've already done a lot for me," you said, fidgeting with your fingers.

"I am not giving it to you for free. You will pay me back"

Your brows collapse as you immersed in overthinking how will I repay him

"I am appointing you as an assistant accountant. You'll work with Namjoon" 

You looked at his face, all confused.