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I'll try to keep it short, less smutty, a little less sinful.

You felt heavenly delighted. His lips on yours, moving in a symphony with each other like it should be. The chilly weather and the thundering rain made you shiver while his arms, his embrace, his lips were keeping you warm.

He couldn't think that a mere kiss would feel this heavenly. He devoured you like it was the first time that he had tasted something so delicious. He never felt that type of hunger that he felt when your lips touched his and now he doesn't know how to pace himself.

It was the first kiss for you... And for him as well. You both were out of breath still the love, the warmth, the hunger you felt for each other was not letting you to break the kiss. You pulled away a little breathing! before latching onto his lips again.

You never thought you would have your first kiss this amazing.

Jungkook's hand slowly began to slide up the back of your leg, all the way up to your thigh, around your hip and up to your waist.

Breathe, y/n!

His fingers gripped your waist and he pulled you closer, still his lips pressed against yours. Your hands glided across Jungkook's shoulders to his back, one moved down his front to feel his muscular chest.

You couldn't get enough of touching him and he seemed to feel the same about you.

With the next breath, Jungkook picked you up, your legs crossed around his waist while his hands grabbed your hips. Your hands moved from his shoulders to his head and you locked his hair in between your fingers.

The kiss which was smooth and passionate a moment ago, had now turned into a rough one. With the increasing desire you both felt for each other, you deepened the kiss.. You were getting head over heel for each other. You both wanted more of each other.

You didn't realize he was walking until your back was pressed against the wall which was wet due to the rain...

And still, you both kissed.

Your grip on his head got even tighter when he sucked your lower lip harshly pulling it a little. A muffling moan of yours enriched his ears and he moved away only to look at your all flustered state.

Your lips were swollen with the intense kisses he showered you with and same goes with his lips. Smirking a little, he licked your swollen lips. His eyes reflected the pure love his heart held for you and the desire to feel every inch of yours.

Your breaths were unstable due to the extensive exertion as your boobs were heaving up and down, crashing with his rock hard chest rhythmically.

His eyes travelled down to your neck, his favorite place, he gave you a long lick on your neck before showering you with his sweet wet open mouth kisses. You threw your head back in pleasure feeling him on your glistening skin.

He latched on a particular place on your neck as he found your sweet spot there. Nibbling. Sucking. Biting your skin there he let you feel the immense pleasure of his love towards you. His nose rubbed your neck while his lips were doing magic by sucking, biting, devouring your neck leaving his marks there.

The need in your groin intensified.

"You're beautiful" he whispered as his lips traced your collarbone while his teeth sucked your flesh.

You were a moaning mess. Travelling down, his lips reached to your cleavage which was a little visible as the rain had drenched your clothes completely. He nuzzled his face in your cleavage and he sniffed you, inhaling your body odor, which was his favorite now.