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"Eh.. hehe.. I gotta go" you spluttered and was about to run from there, but those bulky men were fast enough to block your way restraining you from moving further.

No place to run!

"Baby girl! Let's have some fun" one of the men said and that's when you realised that they all were drunk and you were in grave danger.

You hesitantly tried to take out your phone from your pocket to call the police. But those men were grabbed that phone of yours and threw it somewhere on the road.

You gasped in fear.

"See, let me go... I won't tell anybody" you tried making some deal. But those men were not ready to let you go. Instead they started forcing you to sit in the car.

You threw your leg without any direction and luckily it hit one of the men, making their mind divert from you, And you grabbed that opportunity to run from there.

You were running as fast as you could, panting. But those men were also behind, chasing you.

Suddenly a huge number of luxurious black tinted cars flanked the empty road.

You stopped, on seeing the lane of cars that was nowhere to end.

The guys that were chasing you didn't bother, instead they grabbed you by your arm. Smirking.

You struggled in their hold. 

Yearning for help!!!

After what felt like an eternity, the door of one of the cars got open. You were completely devastated by now.

Hair messy.

Body trembling.

Eyes teary.

One of the drunk men holding you smirked "I'll offer you to our Boss, he'll be content with me and will praise me".

Listening to this man, your heart filled with tremendous fear as you shook your head

"nooooooo" you screamed.

Your eyes were squinted to get a view of who has got out of the car.

"Boss! We have a gift for you" four men that were holding you offered you as the gift to the man who had just got out of the car.

The tenebrous night and the tears that were dwelling in your eyes, not letting you see clearly. Still you could see a tall, well-built man in a suit approaching you. Hands in pocket and the sound of his shoes echoed in your ears. Making your heart race in fear.

He stood just before you.

"Leave" the man's voice held a power, and it wouldn't be a lie if I say that all the men there felt a shiver in their core.

"Boss, if you don't want her. Then I am having her" that drunk man dared to splutter this disgust thought.

The man took a step forward and the light of the car's headlight fell on the man's angelic face.

"Sir" a murmur escaped your mouth.

Somehow, your heart felt relieved.

He grabbed your arm lightly as he pulled you toward him, making your face hit his muscular chest. He cupped your face "are you okay".

His voice was so melodious. soft. and filled with concern that it wiped all the anger you had for him that day, for doing that disgusting thing to you.

You nodded, as a sob escaped.

His eyes then shifted from you to the men that were holding you a moment ago.