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It had been quite a few days, you tried your best to not make him angry, and took care of him in every possible way.
He was showing a speedy recovery.

Since you haven't started working in Jungkook's company yet, you don't have much to do all day. So, to kill time you mostly wander around the house. Sometimes you like helping Aiden in doing some household chores.

However, Jungkook had restrained Aiden to not let you do anything. Jungkook prefers you around him.

Today also you went into the kitchen, to see if you could offer your help to aiden. But he refused.
You were definitely getting bored, Jungkook was busy with his office work so you couldn’t go to his room either. You didn't want to disturb him and make him angry again.

It’s too boring here.
You wanted to meet Emily, go shopping with her.
But you could do nothing.

You huffed, as you leisurely stood up from the couch in the hall and decided to go to the library. On your way, beautiful flowers in the garden caught your eyes. You squealed in happiness looking at those lovely tulips. You rushed out of the house into the garden.

“Ahh! so pretty” your eyes were glistening looking at the beauty of those tulips. Your feathery touch on those tulips made you feel even more delighted.
You sat on the grass, cherishing the beautiful sunset.
You always find it exciting how the sun goes down and slowly changes the colour of sky from bright blue to beautiful shades of yellow, orange, and pink. Making the sky look lively.

Closing your eyes, you inhaled the scent of the day turning into night,
listening to the birds chirping and soothing your mind.

“can the end of one thing mark the beginning of something so alluring,” you wondered.

“Absolutely” a sudden voice made you startled “the ending of one thing can often be the magical doorway that leads to the start of something truly extraordinary” jungkook’s rusty yet soft voice erupted goosebumps on your skin.

He sat beside you on the ground “you shouldn’t be here”
“I was feeling bored so i came here” you whispered looking down at your lap. Thinking he might burst on you.

But to your surprise he softly spoke
“It's not safe to come here at this hour. You can enjoy here in the morning but avoid going out of the house in the evening or at night" His eyes were glued on your face.

“But you said it's safe here” you reverted.
“I don't wanna take any risk” he paused and raised his hand, gently pushing the hair strand that was blocking his enchanted view, behind your ear “especially when it is you”
His actions. His words. brought a fluttering symphony of butterflies dancing within the depths of your stomach.

Your blood rushed to your face, turning it red. While your heart danced at the proximity, making you breathless.
“W.. we shou.. Should go th…then” you always felt weak under his furious dominating touch, but today it was different.
It was soft
It was warm.
Today, you wanted it.


After taking dinner you both were heading to your rooms. Before you could open the door of your room jungkook called you “y/n”.
You turned to face him.
Your heart thumping crazily.
“Tomorrow we’ll go to the office, there’s an important meeting, and you also have to get your joining process done, so be ready by 8 o’clock”, he said and went inside his room.
“Hufff!!!” you exhaled a heavy breath “what were you expecting y/n” you whispered to yourself placing your palm on your crazy heart.

The next day you were filled with enthusiasm and why not, after all you are joining one of the biggest companies and that too as an assistant accountant.
You were already dressed up in a formal attire, the black blazer showing the perfect shape of your shoulders, the black pants and the heels underneath complementing each other. Your hair tied up in a bun. You never looked this elegant ever!