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Time flew by and now only three days had left for Sacrifice, and a mother's heart was not in peace. how could it? a mother can never see her child to be killed. Never. 

Mrs. Kim was turning restless with each passing day. she can't let her husband kill her daughter. There must be some way to save her child, to protect her from the heinous crime of her father. 

it is always said that 'for a girl, her father is her superhero'  but that was not true for y/n. Her father was not a superhero to her, but instead a murderer. a monster. a devil. 

In these days, Mrs. Kim tried every possible way to convince her husband that what he wants to do is completely gross, unethical, against the laws of nature, and above all the girl whom he wants to kill..sacrifice.. is none other than his own blood. 

A father would never put his child on the gallows of Satan. but it was Mr. Kim. He never considered you as his daughter. For him, you were always a child of the devil, a Satan as they say. You were a bad omen which was imposed on him. 

"it is better for us to return her from where she has come" was the words of your father whenever your mother tried to convince him otherwise.

After the failed attempts of your mother, she realised she can not revert her husband's sick mentality. And to be honest, somewhere deep in her heart, you mother does believe in black magic, Satan worship, sacrifice one's child for worldly desires. 

Your mother believed when shaman said "your blood line will doom if you won't get her on 15th of this month"

She neither let you kill nor let her family die. she must come up with an idea with which can save her daughter and family as well. 

"Madam, dinner is ready" Jungkook's mother 'Yami' who was a maid in Kim's mansion spoke. 

"Uhh... Yami, how's your daughter? I haven't seen her for the past few days. Is she alright?" Mrs. Kim asked weakly. She had turned so weak in a short span of time that the skin had adhered to her bones.

"She is perfectly fine, It's just my son. Jungkook doesn't like her to wander around" Yami chuckled a little.

"Ach.... y/n was missing her" Mrs. Kim smiled and then focused on arranging the food on the dining table.

"Oh.. I'll bring her here tomorrow" Yami said with a bright smile on her face

"No.. no it's okay, let her be" Mrs. Kim chuckled awkwardly.

Mrs. Kim looked at Yami, and her mind went to Aecha. she is also a girl, pure who not had bled yet. a mother can go to any extent to save her child, but despite being a mother, Mrs. Kim was a human first. and being a human, you would not want others to suffer...

however, this world's reality is a bit harsh. it doesn't go as we want. people not letting other to suffer?!


people would do anything to save oneself. people would even kill if it is for their own benefit. and Mrs. Kim was a mother, a mother with only child. and she would do anything to save her. 

kill someone else' child?! 


a mother is selfish. 

Now she knew what she had to do, and without wasting another day she started working on her plan. 

But the question is, will Mr. Kim let your mother's plan to be successful?