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Feeling suffocated by guilt, Jungkook bore the weight of blame for every misstep, every regret. His heart ached with a heaviness that seemed unbearable, yearning to rewrite their shared history and correct every wrong thing that had been done in the past.

"You were also a kid back then, Jungkook. But now you know the truth... and now we can fix everything" Jimin said, as he was also shocked knowing the truth.

"Do you know why I took y/n into that house... That jungle house... because I wanted to kill her... Just the way I killed her parents there.. 17 years back... when I stepped into this mafia world I reconstructed y/n's parent's house and waited so that I could burn her here alive... And that Napalm? Remember? I didn't give napalm to Yoongi... You remember? I wanted to fire up the whole area with that napalm" Jungkook suddenly pulled the brakes and burst into tears

"I am an asshole.. I don't deserve y/n '' jungkook let out the heaviness of his heart while jimin was there beside him comforting him.

Jungkook was deep in regret, every single thing was before his eyes but still he couldn't decipher the act of y/n's parents that they love her daughter.


Jimin made Jungkook understand that mistakes happen. Jimin made him realize that although Jungkook wanted to kill y/n but since the day he met her, he didn't harm her.. He made Jungkook realize that it is him only that can protect y/n and love her the way she should be loved.

"Come On.. Don't be a cry baby now.. We have to save your sister too and disclose the horrendous deeds of that so-called shaman... then you are going home" jimin lightly punched jungkook's shoulder

"And I will tell y/n everything.. I don't want to keep it a secret from her, '' Jungkook said as they rushed towards the shaman's place.

~time skip~

It was a long tiring day... After meeting that shaman, Jungkook was now heading towards his home to meet you, to meet the comfort of his life.

He was smiling and there was satisfaction on his face. He was all relaxed.

"I've solved this puzzle y/n... now I know their real identity.. Just wait a little more and everything will fall into place" he said, glancing at his phone wallpaper that contained a photo of you sleeping which he clicked secretly.

" I'll have a perfect family that I've always desired for, Aecha, y/n and I" the smile on his face reflecting bliss. He couldn't wait anymore to see you.


You were completely devastated by now... unexpectedly finding out the truth and going through the terrible past of your own life.. Is definitely not an easy thing.

Anyone could feel betrayed, unloved, unvalued after going through such a pain and you too were feeling the same emotion at the moment.
Where no one ever loved you.. neither your parents nor the person who claims to like you and care for you.

You were left with the feeling of loneliness. You had everything and everyone you wanted but still you felt lonely.

"Is my life not more than a desire? A revenge? Am I this worthless? Everyone in my life used me for their own pleasure... Am I not worth a beautiful life?" You lost your will to live.

"Everyone betrayed me, my father was ready to kill me for a son, my mother who killed someone's daughter to save hers, taehyung .. he wanted to use me for his lust, and jungkook he is no less than anyone, he faked his love, he pretended to care for me.. He does all that for what? a R E V E N G E?" you coldly chuckled, staring at the night sky, seeking answers from the moon.